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Summer Solstice 2023 Ritual Ideas

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Summer Solstice occurs on Wednesday, 21 June, when the Sun moves into Cancer at 10:58 AM EDT/7:58 AM PDT under a dynamic first-quarter Leo Moon! This is a marvelous time to pick a few important goals and set your intention for super success. Important astrological vibrations include a meet-up between the Moon, Venus, and Mars that you can use as a glittering net to what you FEEL fulfills you. Remember that your emotions solidify the desire on this plane. Most interesting is that what you have been acknowledging in front of you as a problem has an expansive, positive outcome if you can let go of your fear. There is joy on the other side of difficulty. Other dynamic harmonic patterns include amazing good fortune and assistance readily available from your ancestors. Along with your seasonal observance, you may wish to set up an ancestral altar or shrine that celebrates your lineage and welcomes the flow of your personal power. Primary colors of this holiday with current planetary influences include gold, yellow, orange, and purple.

Ideas to Celebrate the Holiday

Greet the Sunrise! Place a bowl of water outside where it will receive the first rays of the sun. Don’t worry if it is cloudy or raining. The energy is there! Bottle the water and use to cleanse and bless your altar, or any time you wish to bring the power of the holiday into your working.

Celebrate with a bonfire or cauldron fire. Let go of negative situations or fears by writing those feelings on a piece of paper or dried leaves and giving those frustrations over to the flames. Spend some time decorating an ornament that represents your intentions for the future. You can give this decoration to the fire to be transformed and carried to Spirit where the engine of the Universe will be more than delighted to manifest it for you!

Host a picnic/feast for your family and friends. Make this a special day! Feel the power of your ancestors who embraced the longest day of the year! Drum, sing, dance! Celebrate life! Prepare favorite foods and be sure to add plenty of laughter!

Commune with Nature – take time to meditate, practice deep breathing, walk barefoot, and embrace the sounds and smells of the dawn, noon hour, twilight and evening. There is so much to embrace!

You Can't Change if You Don't Embrace Change - has been my motto since January! As my ship of positive change sails forward into a bright future, I've learned to let the energies flow! I'll be traveling more this fall and summer - to New Orleans HexFest in August, Philadelphia Pagan Pride in September, and West Virginia Witches Ball in October!

The inspiration for many of my products comes from my own life path. I have been using my "I Evolve" and "The Power of Me" products to support my work for positive life changes. To that end, I will discontinue all pillar candles and magickal oils as of June 18th. Should you wish to stock up on your favorites, this is the week with the help of the discount to purchase these items. I am planning to replace these categories with limited-edition offerings in the Fall.

I hope you have a delightful Summer Solstice holiday! Don't forget to use Promo Code (Coupon Code) SummerSale when making your purchases from 12 June to 17 June. Many Blessings! Silver



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