Here's a thought-provoking challenge for you! Are you struggling with a problem that seems insurmountable? Embark on a treasure hunt for your solution. But remember, the key is to set your intent clearly. Gather objects (from nature or otherwise) and arrange them on a blessed surface in a way that resonates with your intent. Then, engage in something enjoyable! When your solution unfolds, express gratitude to the Universe/Divinity and release the items.
For a more energy-intensive practice, capture your altar's design in a photo. Then, draw a continuous line connecting all the items on the picture while speaking your intent aloud.

Transfer this line drawing to a piece of paper, again whispering your purpose. Write your intent repeatedly along the line.

Next, gather all the items you collected along with the drawing and place them in a paper bag. Before sealing the bag, whisper your intent and blow on it three times. Seal the bag tightly with a rubber band, string, or tape. Keep this bag with you, or place it on your altar until your desire materializes. You can bury your bag in the ground, sending the objects back to nature.
I hope you enjoyed this fun activity, which is perfect for all ages! Who doesn't like a Treasure Hunt?
In Service Silver!
Don't forget -- supplies are running out. If you didn't get a chance to snag your Parade of Planets Magickal Oil, be sure to visit our store. I only have a few left!