Silver RavenWolf at MoonBeams in a Jar

Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania Saturday, 23 October 2010
Seminar: Honoring the Dead — Swing into a powerful Samhain with Silver as she discusses researching and honoring your own ancestors, how to spiritually visit a graveyard, build your own personal altar of devotion to your beloved dead, use prayers, spells and petitions to invoke the assistance of your loved ones who have passed beyond the veil and more! Celebrate the Season of the Witch with this dynamic, interactive seminar!
Spiritual Cleansings: Combining the systems of Pow-Wow taught to her by Preston Zerbe and Spiritism training from Llewellyn author, Ray Malbrough, Silver RavenWolf facilitates a unique experience designed to assist in cleansing the body, mind, and spirit. Each session lasts approximately 15 to 20 minutes. Silver uses Pow-Wow chants, herbs from her own organic garden, and more to provide you with an interesting look into spiritual healing. Experience the time-honored tradition of the Pow-Wow Takin-Off and the cleansing power of Pow-Wow herbal formulas in this wonderful ceremony of release!
Open Healing Circle ($5.00 donation to store named charity) — Experience the amazing power of the Healing Circle! Need help with love, money, personal health, career or more? You’ll love the exhilarating experience of Silver’s famous group healing circles! This is an event you simply don’t want to miss!