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Silver RavenWolf – Day 8 – Tuesday – December 8 – Great Release Challenge 20

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Silver RavenWolf

2015 Great Release Program Day 8 – December 8 2015 by Silver RavenWolf

Every day you must throw or give something away!

Tuesday 4th Quarter Moon in Scorpio (Banishing!)

Ideal Planetary Hour for Magick — Mars Hour for Scorpio Energy – Mars Hour for the Ruler of the Day

Today is a POWER day!

Today may be an intensely emotional day — use those emotions in a positive way to power your magick. Sun in Sagittarius trine Uranus in Aries — Expect Surprises

This Week’s Theme:  Peace in the Moment

The Foundation —  Begin your day with the Braucherei Morning cleansing and empowerment exercise (please view first post of the program ).

This Week’s Theme — Peace in the Moment

This week we are going to practice Peace in the Moment — where each day you will pause for at least fifteen seconds (more if you can) filling your mind with white light and breathing deeply.  Hold that white light as long as you can — when a thought crosses your mind…any thought…the exercise is completed.  There is no wrong way to do this — white light…hold…hold…hold (remember to breathe deeply)…you’re done. If you like, continue to use the Peace Prayer in your daily activities (located in Day 2 of the program).  When you have finished with this week’s theme exercise, move on to today’s fun activities!

 Silver’s Notes — Today is full of power with the Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Sagittarius Trine Uranus in Aries — a day to definitely go for the gusto and truly banishing the big, the bad, and the ugly!

Today’s Magickal Challenge

Today’s Magickal Challenge is a DIY Project — a creative project that you choose to enhance your life in some way.  The project should be both magickal and practical.  Something that can aid you in keeping your living environment in order.  You can use any materials, better if they are things that you have around the home or workplace environment.  I chose to make an altar trash can.  Yep!  This is a small can that I can use for trash when I am working at my altar.  All sorts of things go in the can — candle ends that don’t need to be cleansed, wrappers from incense, bits of herbs that have fallen from my work, etc.  I used an old paint can, one of my designs, and Mod Poge.  I finished the can with a bit of glitter (gotta have that!), some rags with bells to catch and dispel negativity, and an amethyst pendant.  What unusual, creative idea will you manifest to bring both magick and order into your environment?

Ritual trash can by Silver RavenWolf

Today’s Practical Challenge

There’s a lot of powerful, magickal energy available today!  Let’s start with emptying and washing out all the trash cans, then move on to washing out all the sinks in your living environment.  If you are still full of energy?  Clean the oven!  Be sure to bless it when you are done, as the preparation of good food brings joy into the home.  Most of us no longer have a hearth, and those that do don’t use it for daily cooking (usually).  Treating your oven like it is the warm heart of the home, can bring blessings into the most valuable room of the house or apartment.  When you are finished, fill the kitchen with the aroma of Good Fortune and Prosperity by heating this herbal mix and water on the stove:

Silver’s Holiday Prosperity Aromatherapy Brew & Magickal Dressing

I created this holiday mix to fill the air with love and joy when my children were little.  Even though they are grown, they still love the aroma!

To a big pot of water add a handful of the following ingredients:

Cloves Cinnamon Allspice Nutmeg Orange Peels Peppermint Brown Sugar Powdered Chocolate Fresh Cranberries

Then add: One Bay Leaf One Tablespoon Vanilla Extract or One Vanilla Bean

Allow the ingredients to steam on low heat on the stove as long as you like (as long as you don’t let it cook dry).  I didn’t list the amount of each spice because I simply used what I had.  The brew always smelled delightful, no matter the quantity.  But…that’s not all!  When the brew has simmered for one hour you can ladle out one cup.  Allow to cool.  Strain.  Pour in a larger jar.  Add one cup of alcohol, such as Vodka or White Lightening.  You have just created a prosperity herbal dressing that you can use to lightly anoint conjuring bags, magickal candles, or other magickal tools.  The dressing is NOT to be consumed — and can be should be used much like you use a magickal oil.  The alcohol will serve as a preservative, keeping the dressing from spoiling if stored in a cool, dark area for several months.

Today’s Summary

Practice the Peace in the Moment Exercise.

Repeat the Peace Prayer and practice the Star Throw Blessing if you like.

Create something magickal AND practical.

Empty All Trash Cans, Wash them, and Scrub out the Sinks If you really feel empowered — wash all mirrors and be sure you say a positive affirmation as you clean each one!

Clean the Oven (if you are brave)

Throw or give one thing away (most important task)

Don’t forget to add the coins to your Joy Jar!

Sleep well and see ya in the morning!

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within!



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