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Open the Way – Secrets of Manifestation – #Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

by Silver RavenWolf copyright 2019

When you want something, do you see it coming toward you? Or, do you see yourself walking toward it? Do you embrace what you desire? Or, do you eagerly see it ahead of you? Finally, when you genuinely want something, do you close the way immediately with thoughts and worries about how it can’t manifest, OR do you think good thoughts, then right away follow that desire with a “tail-ender” – a negative feeling that destroys your initial intention?

I believe that our lives are a construct of our choices, feelings, and thoughts. Too often worry, fear, doubt, and past negative experiences hold us back. Rather than moving forward, we dig ourselves into a stagnant, frightening hole, where all we see around us is the dirt of inertia and failure.

To change the negative, my first action is often to look up and envision a “clear” space. This could be a picture of the ocean with blue sky, a bright, sunlit opening in a forest, or simply a cloudless heaven. The visualization is up to you – whatever makes you feel open and free. This act of looking up with an emotionally uplifting thought helps to establish an open mindset. The established open mindset blocks negative thoughts and fears. The next step is to agree with yourself that anything is possible. With these two simple thoughts of freedom and unlimited possibility, you have launched yourself onto the pathway of success! The third and final trick is to defeat the mindfart.

Yes, you read that right.


The mindfart will kick you off that road to manifestation in two seconds flat. It is a negative, stinky thought that you allow that takes form tearing your desires from your grasp in a single heartbeat.

Mindfart — The poo-tinky-fear-based-nasty-little-visualization that slithers in and says, “But what if…

I can’t I lose I’m not good enough I never get anything I don’t deserve it I’m too sick to make it They will hurt me

And a shit-ton of excuses I haven’t thought of.

The mindfart is a tail-ender that destroys good fortune, good health, and intelligent thinking. The third step to positive manifestation is to throw the mindfart in the toilet and come up with a positive “tail-ender” that encourages success. This could be a positive statement that resonates with you, humming a bit of a favorite tune, visualizing something beautiful, or a smile and laughter!

Hey, if the new tail-ender is a visualization of you throwing your arms up in the air while firmly holding on to two, twisting hissing snakes, shaking your booty, and screaming, “I win!”

Well, you have at that, honey!

Here at the hearthstone of WhisperMagick I am continually developing ideas, workings, procedures, and products to enhance your everyday life. For Open the Way (Road Opener some call it) I’ve designed an inexpensive kit for you to use. Our colorful Road Opener Kit includes fragrant herbs with open the way correspondences, a rough quartz crystal (cleansed in salt water and stored with natural items), vibrant runic Open the Way 2.5 inch pinback button of my own design, cotton conjure bag, and four fragrant Road Opener tea candles (my new, personal formula blend of soy wax and organic coconut oil) crystal tuned.

You don’t have to use my kit to enjoy the personal freedom of my 3-step Open the Way process!

  1. Pick an open, uplifting visualization and look up while envisioning.

  2. Agree with yourself that anything is possible.

  3. Follow your intent with a great “tail-ender” statement or action.

You got this!


Visit my online shoppe for this kit and others!


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