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Magickal Shaker Bookmarks - An Enchanted Tutorial by Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

I know you’d never guess it – but, I like to read!  And…I have a busy life.  One that experiences a ton of interruptions.  I’m forever trying to find where I left off in my books (and did I mention I have lots of books?)  Magickal practitioners usually read several books at a time.  Research, how-to’s, and of course, pleasure stories like haunted fiction…okay!  I LIKE haunted fiction!  Regardless of taste, who wouldn’t like colorful, theme-oriented bookmarks that can be used for magick, too!

Why not transform your reading experience by making a magickal bookmark that holds your intentions and empowers your reading practice? Making shaker bookmarks is a creative craft perfect for infusing every page you read with personal magic. Below, you'll find a simple step-by-step guide to creating your own unique, enchanted bookmark using a bookmark photo sleeve, herbs, seeds, charms, and other small trinkets.  Although there are many ways to create magickal bookmarks, I chose a straightforward, easy technique by incorporating the photo bookmark sleeve quickly obtainable on Amazon.  Here is a list of what you can use!  I have also provided product links for some of the tools that I used at the bottom of this article.

Materials I Used

Bookmark photo sleeve (clear plastic sleeve for inserting paper or decorations) (See link below)

Small bits of herbs and seeds that match your intention (lavender for peace, rosemary for protection, cinnamon for success, a bay leaf for wishes, etc.)

Pictures or art of your choice (small enough to fit inside the photo sleeve) – You can use bits from magazines, art printed off your computer, or designer papers.  If you are really into it – do a little mixed-media art or decoupage.  Double-sided cardstock or making two single cardstock bookmarks that can be glued together before inserting into sleeve, gives a sturdier bookmark.

Small plastic or metal charms (such as stars, moons, keys, etc.), sequins, or jumbo glitter.  Very fine glitter doesn’t work well as it can obscure your art.

Power words cut from cardstock, magazines, or printed from your computer, such as "Wisdom," "Strength," or "Focus."  A Cricut Machine is great for this because you can use paper thick enough to turn the words into a charm themselves.


Glue stick or double-sided tape is a no-mess option with little warping.  I like Tombow products.  If you prefer liquid glue - for no warping (when putting front and back single pieces of cardstock together), I use Beacon 3-IN-1 glue.

A permanent marker (for writing personal symbols or affirmations)

We R Makers Fuse Tool (to seal the bookmark shut) – Be sure you let this tool warm up for 30 minutes, and be careful you don’t burn yourself. 

Heavy Duty Jewelry Cutters and file – if you plan to use flat charms that you wish to remove a bail soldered to a charm such as a pentacle, six-pointed star, or other metal trinket

Putting Your Project Together 

Set Your Intention - Before gathering your materials, take a moment to reflect on your emotional focus for this project. What do you wish to accomplish?  What feelings do you choose to invoke?  What outcome?  Do you want a bookmark that brings clarity and focus to your studies, peace to your bedtime reading, or protection as you explore esoteric texts? Choose your herbs, charms, and power words based on what you want to achieve. Consider writing your intention on a slip of paper to include in the bookmark.  If you want your wishes to be private, sandwich the paper between the front and back art pieces, or write on the backs of the photos and press them together.  No one will ever know your true intent as you will be sealing the bookmark closed.

Energetically cleanse all tools and art pieces.  You can use any type of sacred smoke or musical sounds such as bells or rattles.  Although perfume or holy water is great, because we are working with paper we don’t want to watermark or warp your beautiful items.  You can say your own spoken charm or use this one: “Peace with the Gods, Peace with Nature, Peace within” – this mantra always leaves me feeling at rest and in union with the universe.

Choose and Prepare Your Artwork - Select images, symbols, or personal art that align with your intent. You can use magazine cutouts, small, printed photos, or hand-drawn designs. If you want, add personal sigils or symbols using a permanent marker to make the artwork uniquely yours.  Repeating your theme like a mantra, helps to bolster the work.  You can print out or write a spoken charm to include in the packet.  In the example here, I took a picture of a black cat peg doll I created and then used Canva to add a background, the spoken charm, and the title “Lucky Black Cat”.  The back artwork is journal scrapbook paper.  The art, words, and color arrangement for the black cat theme was all done with digital manipulation, but you could also arrange your pieces on a bookmark blank or cardstock of the same size, using double-sided tape or glue.  Somewhere on the artwork, encourage the owner to shake it frequently because that’s the fun!

Fill the Bookmark Sleeve - Once the background is finished, slip into the plastic sleeve.  Be sure to leave enough room at the top so that you can fuse it together.  Sprinkle tiny bits of your chosen herbs and seeds across the surface on both sides or only one side of the bookmark sleeve.  Make sure the bits aren’t too small – you want them to be able to move back and forth to create that “shaker” effect.  Too tiny and they will cling to the walls of your bookmark and obscure your artwork.  Add charms and other shaker pieces.  I continually shake the bookmark to make sure the pieces I’ve chosen aren’t too big.  If something gets stuck, I use a bamboo skewer or chopstick to retrieve them from the sleeve.

Seal the Sleeve - Make sure all edges are smooth, and no herbs or other items poke out before closing the sleeve completely.  Wipe away excess glitter that could prevent the fusing process.  If you are using the We R Makers Fuse Tool, be sure to work on a heat safe surface.  I use a glass art mat.  Let the tool heat for at least 30 minutes.  Do a test run, if you can, on an extra plastic sleeve to see how the tool will react to the material you have chosen, and for extra security, 1/8 inch from the bottom.  You can cut off your practice lines and just make a shorter bookmark later.  For the photo weight packets, a little extra pressure and a slower speed was needed.  If I was using a lightweight transparent page protector – less pressure faster roll.  I usually say, “This one’s for me” when doing my experiments.  That way I don’t feel like I’ve wasted supplies.  Because we are doing a type of spell packet, I usually whisper my intent and any associated poem, chant, or charm into the bookmark before sealing. 

Empower the Bookmark - Hold the bookmark between your hands and close your eyes. Ground and center, breathing deeply several times.  Mentally ask the power of the universe, deity, spirit, angel, etc. for assistance.  Just finding “peace in the moment” can be enough, if you like.  Visualize your intention flowing from your mind, down your arms, and into the bookmark. Say a power phrase aloud or silently to seal your intent, such as, “This bookmark brings focus and clarity to every page I read.”  Feel free to adjust the statement to meet your needs.  If this project is for another person, don’t forget to whisper their name over the item.  Following my Braucherei training, I will intone the person’s name 3 times x 3 times.

Use and Enjoy - Place your new magickal bookmark in your favorite book and enjoy the enhanced energy as you read. Whenever you pick up your book, the energies of your chosen herbs, charms, and words will empower your mind and spirit.  If this is a gift, you may wish to tell the recipient how to use the bookmark in a magickal/spiritual way, or give them information on how you created this lovely piece of magick! Shaker bookmarks make perfect sentiments from “Get Well Soon!” to “Congratulations on your Success”, to “Good Luck on Your New Journey!” – these thinking of you offerings will always bring a smile.

Tips for Customization

Protection & Focus: Use rosemary, bay leaves, and a small pentacle charm.

Inspiration & Creativity: Choose herbs like basil, marigold, and fennel seeds. Add a charm of a paintbrush or feather.  If the herb rushed herb is too fine, try using a single whole, dried leaf as a bit of an accent on the cardstock. 

Healing & Peace: Try lavender, chamomile, and mint with words like “Healing” or “Calm.”  Don’t forget that the stems of a plant are just as powerful as the flower or leaf.  In this recipe, the chamomile flower or leaf would stick to the plastic and not make a good shaker.  Instead, use dried stems of the chamomile plant for the best effect.

By crafting a magickal bookmark, you're creating a unique tool that combines intention and art, making every reading experience a mindful, magical practice. Keep experimenting with different designs, and soon, you’ll have a whole collection of personalized bookmarks that serve a variety of purposes!

I have been a magickal crafter for many years and love sharing my how-to ideas with folks in my books, blogs, and websites.  And, for years, I never thought of affiliate programs.  Being almost 70?  I’m working on my Bucket List? And one of my goals was to try working with affiliate programs – I mean, why not?  I’ve sold a lot of books over the years, right?  So!  If you make a purchase after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I’ll earn some herbal tea money, which I promise to share with my friends while continuing to support your magickal journey.  You do not pay a higher price.  All tools and supplies mentioned are those I favor in my own work.  Happy Crafting!

Here is a list of a few of the tools and products I used for this bookmark article:


 Not interested in making your own? I have five available in my WhisperMagick shop:

Happy Crafting! Silver



Oct 26, 2024

Thank you so much amazing Silver as always you do and give magical in tge best way…♥️

Silver RavenWolf
Silver RavenWolf
Oct 31, 2024
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So glad you enjoyed it!


Jane Elliott
Jane Elliott
Oct 26, 2024

Merry meet Mama Silver! Thank you so much for this! I absolutely love it!

Silver RavenWolf
Silver RavenWolf
Oct 31, 2024
Replying to

I am delighted!

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