by Silver RavenWolf

A Fluid Condenser is a blend of natural ingredients prepared in a symbolic way using magickal correspondences, timing, and ritual. There are several types of fluid condensers -- liquid, solid, and gaseous -- none of which are edible. We offer a selection of liquid fluid condensers in our WhisperMagick shoppe.
There are several theories on how a fluid condenser operates. Some feel the purpose of the fluid condenser is to securely hold specified energy (impregnated thoughts) until the practitioner directs and releases that energy to the defined goal or target. In this line of thinking, the fluid condenser is thought to be able to accumulate substantial charges of energy that, when directed properly, can help a magickal working come to fruition quickly and with speed. Think of it like a conjure oil on steroids or an energy storage locker.
Others believe that the condenser is more of an attraction mechanism, pulling the right combination of power to amplify and assist in solidifying your thought pattern. Finally, there are those who believe the fluid condensers do both; store and amplify (that would be me).
Regardless of the theories, most people who use a liquid condenser agree that they work extremely well due to the tincture of gold in the formula as it is believed that gold grabs and holds power. Here at the hearthstone, we are of the opinion that the liquid fluid condensers take the charge of sound extremely well, which works perfectly in our Braucherei and whisper magicks.

The process of creating a liquid fluid condenser isn't tedious; but, it does take time. The technique calls for two to three times reduction through boiling (depending upon the specific intent) and the lid is to be kept on during the cooling process, which can take several hours depending upon conditions. I use fresh and dried organic and wildcrafted herbs, which means that our fluid condensers are created only in season and in small batches. In 2016 I showed a pictorial sequence and short video clip on my Instagram account of the brewing and empowering of the Divination Liquid Fluid Condenser, which is stored in a jar painted black.

I gather the flowers and herbs and then prepare the condensers either in my kitchen or, if weather permits, on a metal tripod over an outdoor fire, finishing with a complete ritual empowerment sequence. If you wish to make your own, you can review step by step instructions in my book "The Witching Hour" also available on this site.
Currently, I make both compound (many herbal ingredients) and simple (only one herbal ingredient) Liquid Fluid Condensers.

How to Use: Fluid Condensers sold in Silver's Shoppe come with a dropper cap because you only need to use a few drops for any magick or ritual endeavor. The shelf-life is exceptionally long due to the alcohol content, so you don't have to worry about your condenser going bad. Our practices here have shown that the liquid fluid condensers work very well for anointing objects, dressing poppets, creating talismans (which many feel may have been the fluid condenser's original purpose), and a compendium of other magickal operations from healing to drawing good fortune, to work for rendering justice and sending back negative energy.
Currently -- We have five Liquid Fluid Condensers available:
Spirits of Marigold -- for success, good fortune, happiness, and general well-being Spirits of Rose -- for love, healing, friendship, all things female and navigation Spirits of Violet -- for protection and harmony in the home Spirits of Divination -- a compound condenser -- for all matters of divinatory work Universal Fluid Condenser -- a compound condenser that can be used for all workings
Liquid Fluid Condensers are more expensive than oils due to the time-intensive process in the collection of the herbs and preparation process. I paint the eyes of all my dolls with the Spirits of Divination condenser and the Spirits of Violet condenser. I also anoint the sigil papers that are in my dolls with the Universal Fluid Condenser.
Disclaimer: The true magick lies within yourself. Silver RavenWolf, WhisperMagick Spell Candle Company or the Whisper Magick website does not sell magick, nor do we guarantee the outcome of any meditation, spell, ritual, or magickal working. Our focus is on a quality product based on construction and materials. We believe that if you think it -- you make it.