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I Conjure Thee — The Witching Hour

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

I Conjure Thee …The Witching Hour by Silver RavenWolf copyright 2017

I stood staring at my altar in my dining room.  The first lacy fingers of autumn encircling me with Her cool touch.  The trees beyond the window whispered like the feathery sound of your palms when you rub them gently together to raise energy for a spell.  I took a deep breath. Pleasant. Fragrant.

I sighed.

High noon; but, the house was cloaked in inner twilight. Summer’s end in the woods, where chilly, dark shadows are punctuated with brilliant pools of just-warm-sunlight.  Not a bad thing.

I stared at my familiar tools.  My rattle.  My bell.  Sweet-apple incense smoke tickled the stillness.

I had no idea what to say.

I  watched the flame of my celebratory, golden beeswax candle spit and sparkle as I passed a bit of Crown of Success powder over its vacillating tongue.

I gazed at my newest book, propped between my Lord and Lady candles.  My first copy arrived today.  Eight years it took to write.  Eight years of research.  Eight years of life.  Eight years of experience – Success, Failure, Learning, Death, Knowledge, Birth, Courage, Heartbreak and Joy.


For now.

Eight – a number signifying mastery and accomplishment.

But, only the beginning.

I thought of all the people who supported me through those eight years.  From their love now springs help for others.  You will never know them.  Not see them.  But, they are ghosts – happy spirits that haunt every page – that said, “Never give up.  Never give in.  You can do this.”

And I did.

I thought of all the people who would read the book.  I asked that each individual that opened the cover be given what they need.  That the Web of the Wyrrd provides love, good fortune, and success for those who accepted that energy.  I watched in my mind as silver strings of light shot out from my altar and into the universe…

I found my voice.

“If the people fear,” I said, “may they receive courage.  If the reader encounters illness, may they embrace healing.  If they are lonely, may they see the full realization that we are only lost to ourselves – that we are never truly alone.  If they are in danger, may they be given protection.  As I breathe and speak the words of power may each soul experience the love and compassion they need.  May the Web of the Wyrrd be turned in accordance with my wish and my will!”

So be it.

Silver’s newest book can be purchased through Llewellyn World Wide, or your favorite magickal book retailer/occult shoppe.  For handcrafted items and downloadable information from Silver…


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