Success Conjuring Bag by Silver RavenWolf
Traditional Red Conjuring Bag — No Sew for Success by Silver RavenWolf copyright 2012
Success begins in the mind. The construction of a ritual bag such as this one encourages you to think thoughts of success and accomplishment while “doing something right now” rather than waiting and worrying if success will ever find you. Conjuring bags are a wonderful way to set your mind and thoughts on the right path for super success.
This no-sew mojo bag follows today’s traditional style of small, opaque red bag with drawstring. The bag takes longer to make than the ones previously shown. I spent about a half an hour constructing mine. As with the other instructions Step One is the same. Gather all your supplies together. Sprinkle them with holy water. Bless all supplies and tools in the name of your deity. Charge all items in your own words (with clear intent) with what you wish to accomplish. Before you begin, check that rhythm and remember to keep, hold on to and accelerate those feelings of excitement and happiness associated with the creation and ultimate outcome of the project.
Please note that you can use a 1/2 inch seam or a 1/4 inch seam allowance in this project. A 1/2 inch seam creates bulkier seams, which you may not desire in a small bag. You can even narrow this to 1/8 inch.
Here are the Supplies I Used:
7×6 inch piece of red cloth (you can make a larger bag if you like) Seam Guide (for quickly measuring the seams) Scissors Red Ribbon Steam Iron Double-Sided Fuse A Seam tape Safety Pin (to draw ribbon through drawstring pocket) Holy Water or Perfume Wire Wrapped and Beaded Ginger Root (the More Power root) Nutmeg (General Good Fortune) Citrine Gemstone — for long lasting, golden success Red Jasper Gemstone – for increased power Large Bay Leaf (use this as your petition and write your success desire directly on the leaf — add empowering runes or other magickal symbols if you like.) Embellishments (appliqué, beads, cloth circles) One match (no kidding)
When to Make This Charm Bag: Depends on what the bag is for. General success is the New or Building Moon, when the Moon is well aspected, your natal chart is well aspected, on a Sunday, Thursday or Friday, at Dawn or Noon, or even on Tuesday (Mars Day for action). You choose! If the bag will be used to play the lottery or gambling in general, you may wish to add an alligator foot lucky charm.
In the first three parts of this article I gave you complete step-by-step instructions for creating various mojo/conjuring bags. I began this bag at dawn, offering all supplies to the rising sun after the cleansing and empowerment process. Then I wrapped the charms and herbal supplies in a piece of black cloth until I was ready to add them to the bag.
When to Make This Charm Bag: Depends on what the bag is for. General success is the New or Building Moon, when the Moon is well aspected, your natal chart is well aspected, on a Sunday, Thursday or Friday, at Dawn or Noon, or even on Tuesday (Mars Day for action). You choose!
Follow the pictures below to create your traditional mojo bag. I started with a 7inch by 6 inch piece of red cloth. You can change the dimensions to suit your needs.
Step One. Using a steam iron fold all four edges 1/4 inch and steam press. (See the picture below.)

Step Two. To make the sleeve for the drawstring, affix Steam-A-Seam fusible tape to one of the six-inch edges. Fold over and steam press. The sleeve for the drawstring is now completed. (See photo.)

Step Three. On the right side of the material, affix fusible tape from center of bag bottom to end; and from right below the drawstring sleeve to bottom. (See picture.)

Step Four. Fold bag in center (right sides facing each other) and press. Clip bottom edges to keep the seams from being too bulky.

Step Five. Turn bag right side out. Use a bamboo skewer or pencil to encourage nice, crisp points (don’t poke too hard). Press bag.

Step Six. Attach safety pin to one end of ribbon and gently push closed pin and ribbon through the draw string sleeve.

Step Seven. Add embellishments to outside of bag.

Step Eight. At noon (as this is a success bag) I placed all herbs, charms, etc., into the bag, then empowered the entire bag outdoors over a ritual bonfire, offering the bag to the four quarters. You can use any charm or chant you like to empower the bag.While the bag is still open, strike a match, insert in the bag and quickly smash the bag shut. Okay, so this takes a little practice; but you can do it. This is a way to “put fire in the bag”. You must be very careful not to burn yourself or the contents of the bag, which is why you have to be fast, fast, fast! The lit match is the last item that should go in the bag, then tie it tightly shut. I also sprayed the bag with my own Activation Elixir (the subject of the next How-To article.)

With your bag finished, you can use it in any success working! To make the bag your own, add a lock of your hair (if the bag is for yourself). Feel free to add additional herbs or charms as your instinct guides you. As a general rule, your bag should be re-activated every thirty days.
Four bags — four no sew ideas for magickal fun, enjoyment and accomplishment! As with all my blog articles, if you wish to add information or ideas, please feel free to comment. Take a picture of your own magickal mojo bags and post them on my author page for everyone to enjoy. Thank you so much!
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace within.
So be it.
Related articles
How To Make No-Sew Conjuring or Mojo Bags – Part Three The Good Fortune Pin Packet (silverravenwolf.wordpress.com)
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