Shift New Things Into Gear Now as Mars Retrograde is on the way -- most astrologers agree that when Mars turns retrograde it isn't a good time to begin new projects.
Holy Cupcakes! Its Mars Retrograde Again 2012 Style
by Silver RavenWolf, copyright 2012
The General Scoop
For a very short time all the planets in the heavens are in direct motion; but, not for long. On Monday, January 23, at 7:54 PM EST (4:54 PM Pacific), Mars the planet of fire an action goes retrograde signaling the beginning of an approximate 12 week span (3 months) where the normal course of forward movement may take a slight detour as Mars appears to reverse in the heavens (it doesn’t, it just looks like it does). This apparent backward motion will continue until 11:53 PM EST (8:53 PM PST) April 13th, 2012. Mars retrogrades approximately every two years.
As Mars will be in Virgo for seven months instead of its usual six weeks due this retrograde motion, focus will be on the practical for quite some time. You may see changes and re-organization in education, healthcare, unemployment, general service to others, and corporate matters as society struggles to overcome our present crippled economy. When a planet is retrograde its energy is focused within. As Mars is in Virgo this microscopic energy will be turned toward the practical with positive solutions on what will work not on what might work. You will see streamlining, changes in procedure, additional research on a variety of topics, and little tolerance for drama as society embarks on its own de-cluttering mission. An excellent way to handle this retrograde period is to concentrate on your own efficiency within your own environment and consider changes that will assist you in meeting your goals.
Mars turns retrograde on the Chinese New Year of the Black Water Dragon a symbol of power from Heaven, Good Fortune, and New Frontiers. This fourteen day celebration focuses on bringing positive energy into one’s life and environment and letting go of negative chi. Dragon years are considered lucky, with the primary correspondence color of yellow or gold. January 23 is also a New Moon in Aquarius and is an excellent time to begin a personal fix it program. Although moving forward may seem difficult during the retrograde period, energy spent on streamlining individual activities and schedules to better meet your needs will serve you well. This New Moon New Year kickoff can be a wonderful opportunity for positive change.
If there is something that you really want to move forward, do it before Mars stations and turns retrograde, as once January 23rd hits, the focus will be more on internal change then outward forging ahead. Mars will continue to slow before it stations retrograde about a week beforehand. You may physically feel the desire for a slower pace during this time or find yourself railing against someone’s perceived authority that’s trying to throw on the brakes, particularly since there is a heavy Saturn influence the week before the retrograde.
If you engaged in my Great Release Program in December 2011, you may find great enjoyment in the upcoming Mars retrograde as you have already begun a serious de-cluttering and streamlining process. This retrograde window will allow you to go back and finish anything left undone, and continue the process on your own. By the time you navigate through this Mars retrograde you will have created a wonderful launch pad for those dreams you’ve always had. If you haven’t done the program; but, feel like a change of this type is in order in your life, feel free to go back through the blog archives and work through the program during the Mars retrograde period.
A Mars Retrograde in Virgo is a great time to reorganize your personal journal, family photographs, notes, records, work on genealogy, or that book you always wanted to finish. Be sure you can move about your working and living environment with ease BEFORE the retrograde period begins. This keeps the energy flowing in all the right directions. If the holidays left you with a stumbling mess, now is the time to pick it up and put it away, give it away, or toss it. During this time period, some astrologers feel that whomever initiates loses — meaning it is fine to work on what you have already started; but, this isn’t a good time to start something brand new, and definitely not a time to attack anyone. Mars retrogrades are also famous for mechanical failure; so, if you’ve been putting off having the breaks fixed, or your printer repaired, or your furnace problem corrected, get it done before Mars goes retrograde.
Getting Some Detail — What Does Virgo Rule?
In classical astrology all things, places, issues, and topics are assigned a planetary and zodiac sign rulership. A rulership is a type of correspondence, like the magickal correspondences we use when planning a ritual, spell, meditation or daily activity. In the language of astrology, the planets and the signs are said to “rule over” specific items, types of career, diseases, etc. These rulerships are taken from the writings of a number of the world’s most prolific astrologers, past and present; however, as with all things human, not everyone agrees on what rules what — therefore the list I’ll be giving you is more of a general consensus. What we’re looking for here is an idea of what that retrograde Mars might be highlighting this time around, and by contemplating that — choose which and what types of daily activities and magicks we might like to do during this period.
Here’s a brief list of what Virgo rules and where Mars will be shining its muted light:
accounts and accountants administration and administrators agencies, state and government animals — small and domestic armed forces and army affairs bars and bartenders body health and care cafes and cafeterias charts and statistics chemists and laboratories civil service and its employees clairvoyance clothing dealers dairies and farms dental hygienists and technicians dining dispensaries and doctors’ offices divination editors and editorial staff employment and employees EMT’s and EMT employers gardens and gardeners groceries and retail healing and healers health, public herbs humane societies labor and the working class libraries and librarians mathematics medical professionals Navy and Navy affairs nurses papers and paper storage police and police affairs produce and produce markets psychology refrigerators relief workers resentment, deep scientists secretaries service personnel and service jobs sewing shops and shopkeepers teaching and teachers tenants work — general and disagreeable
Good Old War Horse Mars
So! What does retrograde Mars bring to the Virgo table? You’ll most likely be dining on old stuff, deep-seated issues that you need to air out, let go and put to rest. You’ll see stealth stuff (a Virgo tactic) and manipulation (another weapon in the Virgo bag). Instead of blowing up and stomping about, step back and see the situation for what it is, not the emotional smoke screen surrounding it. This will be a good time to use your detective skills on your own cold case issues. By the time Mars turns direct, you’ll be sitting on a better, more stable structure to manifest your dreams.
Some people motor through a Mars retrograde without even realizing it — this depends largely on your natal chart and whether or not transiting Mars hits a hot spot. During this time, try not to be overcritical of yourself or others — see what can be done better, faster, more efficiently instead. Projects already in motion may show significant drag; but, see this as a blessing — you’ll be able to fix what futuristically may have destroyed your intent. Mars is the “try again” planet, and its motto is “If at first you don’t succeed, keep at it until you do.” Mars always says: There is no such thing as failure, only experience for future success.
Related articles
“Being Impeccable” – Mars in Virgo from November 2011 through July 2012 (celestialspace.wordpress.com)
Sources: Rulership Information:
Bills, Rex E. The Rulership Book, Tempe, AZ American Federation of Astrologers, 1971 Lehman, Dr. J. Lee, Ph.D. The Book of Rulerships Keywords from Classical Astrology, West Chester, PA, Whitford Press, 1992.