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Great Release Program — Day 10 — 10 December 2013 — Tuesday

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf


2013 Great Release Program Tuesday – 10 December 2013

by Silver RavenWolf copyright 2013

Sun in Sagittarius (Fire) Second Quarter Moon (Building, Revitalizing, Overcoming Minor Obstacles) Moon in Aries — Movement, Action, Aggression, Tuesday — (Ruled by Mars — Fire) Today:  Angels of Aries

What you believe in most whole-heartedly is what works for you.  The issue here is that not everyone believes the same thing; therefore, when you are successful because you “knew” something to be true, there is always someone who tries to throw ice water on your work because it doesn’t work that way for them for that issue.

Whew!  That was a mouthful, wasn’t it?

I’d like to to seriously think today about what magick ALWAYS works for you.  Is it money magick?  Is it healing magick?  Is it protection?  Love?  Handling difficult people?  Everyone has a particular line of expertise, and that success is based on what your mind doesn’t gnaw on like a puppy with your favorite shoes.  What if you used the same technique for things that you’re having problems with?  For example, let’s say that you can almost always get a stalled car to start.  You know this.  Think carefully what your feelings are and what your mind is focused on when you use your gifts to start that car?

Okay, now, take that same emotion, and feeling of knowing and direct the same technique in an area where you are having real problems.  Try it.  Let us know how it works for you.

In doing research into Braucherei folk charms I learned to carefully read the basics of the observer’s experience.  With historical folk magick, we often don’t know what the practitioner was thinking, what he or she was feeling, or how he or she “ran” energy.  Interviews and stories give us only bits and pieces of the picture.  It is like looking at a torn photograph where large chunks are missing and we’re trying our best to tape what we have together so that the mystery of the time, place, or person will be revealed.

Many times, in Braucherei, we only have a word charm and what the observer saw when the magick was done.  For example, a friend of mine talked about his grandmother’s experience with a folk healer who could cure thrush in children.  The healer told the grandmother that the only person who could heal thrush was a man that never knew his father.  This man had to blow in the child’s mouth, and the thrush would disappear.  The thrush did disappear; but, were all those factors necessary?  And, what factors were unseen?  In continuing research from a variety of sources, we find the base:  Blowing holy words into a child’s mouth.  Not knowing one’s father is a nonessential.

My question to you today is:  What nonessential garbage are you carrying around in your head that is creating obstacles for you?  (That you probably don’t even realize).  Ask the Aries Angels to help you dump the junk.

Aries Angels:  Are the Back to Basics teachers.  They cut through the garbage, turning up the heat and plowing through emotional gunk.  They are blow torch entities that love to make way for the new, the fresh, the innovative, the delight, and the glory of life.   They are raw energy, speed, force, courage, leadership, enthusiasm, strength, and independence!  They bring emotional recovery.  Signs from these angels include fire, a gift of a candle, a new item (particularly a book), red birds and red clothing.

Your Challenge Today:  Take a red or white candle and roll it (yes, you read that right) over your front door (both sides).  Don’t be surprised if the candle feels sticky when you are finished.  That is a sign that the candle has done its job, pulling the negativity off the door.  Then, wash your front door thoroughly.  You can use the Evil Be Gone chant or some other chant or poetry that is worded to banish the negative, welcome the positive, and protect those within.  Writing a rhyming chant that covers these three points would be an excellent endeavor today!  Finally, burn the candle in the entry way of your home, asking the Aries Angels to remove all negativity and ill will that has entered your living space.  Don’t forget to use nice, deep cleansing breaths while you are clearing the door, and when you petition the angels.  Breath linked with emotion targeted by focus — that is your skeleton key.

Summary:  Today we talked about getting back to the basics in your work, and releasing what is mentally, spiritually or emotionally bogging you down — doubt, fear, worry — complicated mazes that you’ve built for yourself.  Your key is “knowing” — meaning, a feeling where worry does not exist — a still point of peace.

(1)  Remember to do your Braucherei Morning Ritual.  Don’t forget to breathe! (2)  Roll a candle over your front door (both sides).  If you are really into it — do the back door, too, with a separate candle. (3)  Make a petition to the Aries Angels, then burn your candle(s). (4)  Throw out or give away at least one thing today! (5)  Do one Mad Minute exercise.

Don’t forget to put those gold stars on your calendar!

Tomorrow:  Under the Kitchen Sink

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within! Only the good remains.



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