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Great Release Program 2014 – Sunday – Day 21– 21 December — New Moon —

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Silver RavenWolf

Peace begins within.

2014 Great Release Program Day 21 – December 21  2014 — Sunday (Sun Day) by Silver RavenWolf

Every day you must throw or give something away! Sunday — Winter Solstice and New Moon!

Moon in Capricorn!

Ideal Planetary Hour for Capricorn Magick — Saturn

Dress a Gold or Yellow Candle (for Winter Solstice and New Moon energy)  with Honey to draw good fortune to you!  Remember to make 9 New Moon Wishes!

Winter Solstice Occurs exactly at 6:03 PM EST/ 3:03 PM PST today, December 21st — It is also a New Moon at 8:36 PM EST/ 5:36 PM PST.

This Week’s Theme: Stillness

Think of nothing for as long as you can.  As each thought tries to pop into your mind, take a deep breath, and envision the thought turns to liquid and melts away.  Try to practice this three times a day.

In total stillness — there is great potential.

Hail and Good Morning!  A bright and happy Winter Solstice to you!  

Today is truly a magickal day!  New Moon coupled with the Winter Solstice energy turns the wheel of your year to bright and beautiful opportunities.  This is a day of honor, of contemplation, and of harmony within the self.

It is not about anger — it is about peace. It is not about power — it is about grace. It is not about knowing your enemy — it is about knowing yourself. — Chow Yun-Fat

Today’s Challenge!  Choose an activity which honors life.  Yup.  That’s it.  That’s the challenge.  What will you choose?

Summary — Here is today’s list!  

1.  Perform Your Morning Braucherei Ritual (1 star) 2.  Throw at or give at least ONE thing away. (2 stars) 3  Make a concerted effort to practice total stillness (10 stars – because I know this is a hard one) 4.  Do today’s main challenge — Honor Life (5 stars) 5.  Do one 3-Minute Dash! (3 stars) 6.  Empower a yellow or gold candle dressed with honey (or sugar)! (2 stars) 8.  Post how the program is going for you in the comment section (5 stars) 9.  Don’t forget to do your Evening Walk Through right before you go to bed! (1 star)

Total Number of Stars You Can Earn Today:  29  

See ya in the morning! Silver


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