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Great Release Program 2012 — December 31 — Monday

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Is is your journey.  Believe! Painting by Falynn Trayer.

Is is your journey. Believe! Painting by Falynn Trayer.

Great Release Challenge – Day 31 — Monday by Silver RavenWolf copyright 2012

Today is the last day of our Release Program!  Well done!  I’m so proud of any activity that you were able to accomplish in the areas of release, recovery, and spirituality!  Would you like to start again?  Just kidding, because the next thirty days are all about moving forward with your newfound skills and revelations about the self.  You’ve done the hard part – the cleaning, clearing, donating, and moving stuff about.  Now it is time to see how well this has worked for you, and make minor adjustments along the way.  If you really liked the program, and want to try it again, consider either over the Spring Equinox or Midsummer festivals.  Try a mini version (14 days) or a full version (31 days).

Today’s Challenge

We have several small tasks to complete today, nothing that will take away too much time, I assure you.  First, let’s walk around your house or office and just concentrate on how you feel.  Does the energy feel better now than it did thirty days ago?  How do you feel, really, about all you have accomplished?  What has changed?  What has remained the same?  What are your goals now that you have successfully completed this program?  Remember, your primary goal was to release at least one thing every day.  If you accomplished that … well then!  Consider yourself a success!  If you were able to complete many of the tasks, you are well on your way to a successful and prosperous new year!  Congratulations!

Next, let’s clear the entire living area with sound, like our jingle jar, or a singing bowl, or that glass of water you learned to tap with a spoon.  Take nice, deep breaths while you do this.  Enjoy the welcoming of love, positive energy and Spirit into your home as you move from room to room.

Oh.  Wait.  Did you find something that doesn’t belong?  (Your father-in-law doesn’t count.)  Maybe there’s stuff from this morning’s shower you forgot to put away, dirty clothes lying on the bedroom floor, hmmm…I think I want that basket in the other room…ouch!  A bag of trash I forgot to take out.  How could I have forgotten that?  Oh yeah, snowing, cold, thought I’d wait.  Cookie crumbs on the altar? Now how did that happen?  Why is there a straight pin on the dresser?  Oh, yeah, meant to throw it away.

Whatever you see that you feel may draw negativity…fix it.  Normally, these things will be minor, like the cookie crumbs, the straight pin, and that dumb bag of trash.  In the future, try doing this type of clean sweep on a cyclical basis – whatever works for you.  If you live alone, perhaps once a week will do, if you live with a partner or often have guests? — probably every three days.  More living in the home?  You might want to do your clean sweep at least once a day or every two days.

What happens if you don’t?

Nothing at first (probably); but, then a few months in you may begin to feel depressed, or things don’t seem to be going right, fights in the home may increase (or not).  It all depends upon the personalities in the home and how they react to negativity and stress.  If negativity could be seen with the naked eye, people would be more cognizant of it.  Everyone can sense negativity; but, whether they pay attention to what they are feeling is another matter.  If we could color negativity with flaming orange and hot pink polka-dots; there would probably be a lot less angst in the world.  We could all hit those polka-dots with perfume pump spray bottles of holy water.  Life would probably be a lot less complicated.

Next, let’s take a light around the house – a candle, or even a flashlight.  Let’s chant our “Evil Be Gone” charm as we walk.  On this tour through your living area, I’d like you to continue to consider what adjustments you would like to make that will continue to bring light, laughter, and love into the home?  Perhaps the living room is too dark – a change of window treatment?  A lamp?  Maybe the children’s area could use a bit of tweaking to make it more activity friendly.  Less furniture, more open space?  Decorative baskets for toys?  Let your creativity soar!  Still tripping over that stupid, ancient ottoman?  Why?

When you are finished, take a moment to adjust your Wish List.  These are the things you will try to complete by the end of 2013.

To complete the program, go to your release altar and thank, in your own way, the energies, spirits, deities, etc., that you feel helped you this past thirty days.  Think of all the good things that transpired over the course of the program.  Once and for all, mentally let the negative or unfortunate things go.  They will not serve you wisely.  You can dismantle your release altar, or you can keep it – this is entirely up to you.  You might wish to build a new altar more tailored to your goals of the coming year.

Finally, at midnight tonight (New Year’s across the globe), expel the last of your negativity and welcome in the new year with prayers of a positive nature.  Raise energy at the stroke of midnight concentrating on Happiness, Joy, Love, Healing and Good Fortune for all.  As the energy rolls across the globe, take advantage of the amazing power available!  Use your Sea of Potential Exercise as the chime begins to strike.  Put your heart and soul into it, as this moment will never return again.  Make the most of it!


I’d like to especially thank all those individuals who posted comments to this year’s program.  Although my replies were short, I read and enjoyed every single one of them.  You were a vital part of keeping the positive energy flowing, and giving support where it was needed.  Without your contribution, the program would not have been a success.  You have reminded all of us that we are not alone — We are a magickal village.  You, my friends, deserve as many gold stars as there are stars in the heavens.

Don’t forget…

We’ve got your back.

So be it.

Until next year, I wish you love, happiness, good health and amazing good fortune.


(1)   Do your Morning Braucherei Ritual and light your goal candle.

(2)   Do Today’s Closing Challenge.

(3)   Practice your Sea of Potential Exercise

(4)   Today, we release the program itself.

(5)   Proclaim your success for 2013!

Tomorrow?  Is entirely up to you.

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within.


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