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Day Fourteen – Great Release Program – 14 December 2018 – Friday – Silver Ra

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

BREAK DAY/ CATCH-UP DAY– WHOOT!  WHOOT! – One more day and you are half-way through the program!

Day Fourteen- of 2018 Great Release Program – 14 December – Friday By Silver RavenWolf

1st Quarter Moon in Pisces where purification and mystical work find extra oomph!

Friday – Venus Planetary Ruler – burn a green candle rolled in the dirt from a prosperous business (be sure to check the stock market first if they have a listing – you want the stocks to be up from the business you chose).  Just because something looks prosperous doesn’t mean it is.

DAILY BREW – THE STARS AND YOU! 14 December – Friday – 1st quarter Moon in Pisces – A creative day perfect for artistic types, holiday decorating, and taking the children to visit a holiday fantasy theme.  Venus in Scorpio is sextile Saturn in Capricorn and Mars in Pisces is sextile Pluto in Capricorn this weekend (energy is operative now) bringing positive change in rules and structure.  Be sure the change is what you want before you implement.  Patterns can be manipulated easier.  If you are working through my Great Release Program, this is a good foundation for the change you need.  In my experience, by working physically, emotionally, and spiritually – your goals can manifest much easier.  It isn’t too late to join the program – you can start at any time – like now, lol!  The Venus/Saturn combination is wonderful for DYI work, and the Mars/Pluto combination is great for deep changes and finding the motivation to really make a difference in your life.

Each day on my FB author page I write a short paragraph on astrological activity and how you can use it in a magickal/electional way.  This weekend (which I mentioned above) carries great energy for making changes associated with this program.

Your Challenge Today – Catch-Up or Break Day – or both if you have been going above and beyond the cleaning call of duty.  I’ve been scheduling appointments on Catch-Up day.


Just remember…to complete today’s main challenge you must throw or give away one physical item.

My Progress –

“Well….(sigh)… yes.  It still has some life in it,” he said.

I’m thinking to myself, It better have some life in it considering what it took to find you, and it isn’t all that busted.  Is it?  Its been broken for so long I have no idea what is damaged.  I just know it doesn’t work.  I kept my whining to myself and chewed on my lip.  We were remiss in its maintenance.  No, strike that, I did not take good care of it.  It was a gift to me and therefore, ultimately my responsibility even though I personally did not strip the gears.  Someone else leveled the death blow.

He looked at me closely.  “They are like people, you know.”

I blinked out of my meandering through memory brain-lane where I remembered how everyone and his brother tried to fix this thing, including the bell my son put on the chain because we didn’t have the right metal piece.  I looked at this guy’s triple glasses — no really three pairs of lenses, and I felt like I’d gone back further than my own recall…like, say…a hundred years?

Embarrassed at my care-taking failure, my gaze dropped to the table covered with an old forest green towel and all the dusty pieces of wood and metal I’d just dumped from the bag scattered among the folds.  I never thought of this thing like it was a person.  I mean, there are poems about them and how they are tied to people, time, life…but, I never considered it…animate.

I mentally shook my head.  I make dolls that I believe can astral breathe; but, I never made the leap to this.  No, I’m not crazy!  Just slightly…off.  But, yeah…I guess so…when it works it has a heartbeat, right?

I thought about how many people and events this thing has seen, hanging in my dining room for years until we moved.  It presided over hundreds of celebratory events — initiations, elevations, healing circles, sabbats, esbats, parties, and get-togethers.  It heard laughter, tears, screams for joy, childhood arguments, bad jokes, and the whispers of the deceased.  It welcomed souls into this world and it bid adieu to those who softly left this plane.

He cleared his throat, jerking me to the here and now.  “Every single one is its own entity!” he said firmly, then laughed.  “They have their own, individual foibles.  You have to learn to take care of it right. The way it wants.  Do you want to keep the bell?  Seems like there is a memory associated with that.”  He flicked the tarnished metal.  “I’m thinking this unusual addition may have a bit of sentimentality to it.”

Astute for an 85-year old guy.

He tilted his head and smiled.  “Every Schneider has its own pattern of being.  Trust me.  I’ve fixed many of them.  I know.”

I bet you do.

So….once I get the clock back it looks like I’ll be giving it offerings of beer and bratwursts, or whatever a clock made and purchased in the Black Forest of Germany might want in order to keep ticking for the next fifty years.

My progress?  I’m cranking along here!  For my Fix-It Day, I found someone to repair my cuckoo clock from the Black Forest in Germany.  My daughter sent it from there when she was on tour in the Army.  That poor clock has been broken for over 12 years, and I decided it was time to do something about it.  A family member attempted to fix it and got it half working about six years ago; but, then it fell from the wall.  Definitely past our ability to repair.  So, my wounded cuckoo clock languished in a cupboard for a very long time.  Finding an individual to fix the clock in this area was a feat in itself.  I had to go through several phone calls to finally make an appointment and use my GPS to find the place!

My reward for my gold stars this week was…drum roll…a step ladder.  Yup.  Finally stopped using the rickety wooden chair.  In my 62 years, I have never owned a step ladder.  No kidding.  Guess there’s a first time for everything.


  1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

  2. Practice the Rattle Bath/Crystal Cleansing – earn one gold star.

  3. Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar

  4. Did you remember to invoke your special symbol first thing when you woke up? If you forgot, try again tomorrow, no worries.

  5. Do one 3-minute dash! – earn 3 stars

  6. Burn an empowered green candle rolled in dirt from a prosperous business (be sure to check that it genuinely is doing well) – earn 2 stars – don’t like the idea of touching that energy? No worries.  Work with your gnome and dirt from the woods.

  7. Catch-up or rest day – either way, earn 3 stars!

  8. Tonight, remember to practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review. Earn 2 stars!

  9. Do a mental review of your day before you fall asleep – make it quick – don’t let the mind stick.

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace within!



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