Of Frogs, Trash Cans and Bells
Day Eight — 2011 Great Release Challenge! Thursday 8 December by Silver RavenWolf
Today you will need jingle bells or a singing bowl.
I’ve simply got to tell you how proud I am of all your efforts! Letting go of even small things can be very hard to do. The fact that you’ve set your mind to releasing at least one thing each day, come heck or high water, is a shining testament to your glowing determination!
Keep going!
Officially, at the beginning of this day, we have completed one full cycle of release — seven days of letting go, of cleaning out, of refreshing the body, mind, and spirit. Congratulations! During this week we’ve accomplished quite a lot. First, we’ve set our minds to the pattern of release. Secondly, we’ve physically followed through with our thoughts. And, finally, and most importantly, we’ve done this in a spiritual manner by repeating the morning prayers and activating the stars we’ve earned in a brief meditation. Ring the bell in celebration!
Today, while you’re cleaning out those trash cans, I’d like you to contemplate where you feel stuck in your life. When you are finished cleaning the cans, set them outside for at least an hour. Then, I’d like you to walk through your entire living area carrying some type of bell or singing bowl and ring it like you mean it! Get the kids involved! Ring bells to answer each other! While you stand in the kitchen, have your partner or child stand in the living room. One of you rings the bell, the other answers! Not only are you celebrating the accomplishments you’ve made, you are also cleansing any negativity that’s trying to wiggle its way back into your life and the lives of your family! Next time there’s an argument? Ring the bell!
Your Mission Today —
For the Busy Person — Empty all trash cans and wash them out.
For the Dedicated Enthusiast — Empty all trash cans and wash them out.
Having raised four children, one husband, several dogs and one father, I can tell you that keeping the trash in the trash can and keeping the trash can clean can be an amazing undertaking. If you are having a problem I do have two suggestions — take ’em or leave ’em.
First, I removed all trash cans from the house save for the ones in the bathrooms. Although it took me a while to train them (all of them), all trash now goes outside, straight to the recycling bin or to the trash bag. There is no overnight pit stop. When folks come to visit they look at me quizzically when they ask me where the trash can is and I say, “Outside.” This change in routine — outside it goes — saves me lots of time and smelly mess; particularly since the dogs seem to feel that all trash cans, regardless of their ingenious closure capabilities, belong to them.
The second thing I did, although this was after most of the children were gone and I had grandchildren instead…was to spend the extra money for fun trash cans (the ones in the bathrooms). This happened by accident. I saw a frog (I love frogs) trash can that when you open it, it ribbits. Now, granted, the ribbit thing led to the breaking of the first frog trash can because they were so entranced by it that they couldn’t keep their hands off it; but, upon replacement and a little careful monitoring, the second frog has had a long and healthy life…and my bathroom isn’t littered with toilet paper rolls.
Gold Star Meditation For Today —
If you complete this challenge — you earn another gold star! Remember when I asked you where you felt stuck in your life? This star represents Freedom. Grab it in both your hands and relish it!
Remember that list you made on the first day? Keep it handy, we’ll be working with it soon.
Release Program Diary
We use cow bells in healing circle.
Yes. We really do.
The loud, clanking sound can seal a spell or be used to break up heavy negativity — or just make people laugh. Last year, a good friend of mine sent me my first cow bell. Everyone at circle had a blast with it. As an aside, I have several bells in the dining room and when my granddaughter comes to visit, she loves to ring the bells. Kids adore making noise. To me, when she rings the bell, she isn’t making irritating noise, she’s just breaking up the negativity.
Its all in the way you look at it.
This year, my friend sent me another cow bell — so cool! So, I decided that this beautiful pristine white cow bell had to have a purpose. Today, I turned it into an angel bell. I printed out one of my fraktur designs, glued it to the bell, sprayed it with acrylic sealer and added glitter. To give that bell extra punch, I tied jingle bells around the handle. Tis the season!

Bells, Bells, Bells, Bells! Banish negativity with bells!
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within So Be It!
For Tomorrow: Light.