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Day 9 of the Mini Release Program

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

This is an Odin Rattle made by one of my coven brothers.  Isn't this the most amazing piece of art?

Greetings and Top of the Day to ya! 

This is Day 9 of "Quarantine".  Are you remembering to do your rattle bath every day?  How about that new (or revised) morning routine?  Didn't get there yet?  That's okay.  The nice thing about a blog is that you can go back and look at previous entries.

Today's Challenge!  Drum roll.  DA-DA-DA-DA....Break Day!

Yes -- Break stuff.

And, you thought I was going to tell you to take a rest, didn't you!  Well, you can, lol, after you break something.

When my grandson has a fever, I do two things no matter what.  I place his name under a glass of ice.  Then I go outside, grab a stick, and break it!  "O servant of the forest, I conjure thee that as I break this stick, so (name of person's) fever shall be immediately broken!"  Then I wait 15 minutes and I call my daughter.  If his fever is still going strong, I change out the water and replace it with another cube of ice, go back outside, and break another stick.  I never kill anything living.  Old cast-off sticks are just fine.  I wait another 15 minutes and call again.  If still a fever, I change the ice, break the stick.  If his fever has broken, I change the ice for good measure; but, I don't break another stick.  Sometimes, you'll break the fever; but, then it spikes again.  I just repeat the process.  It always works.

Back to your challenge!  Today, we're going to choose something old and not worth anything, and we're going to break it outside.  Go outdoors, take a deep breath, think about all that is frightening or bothering you, and then say, "I cleanse myself and my family of all negativity!".  Break the object with gusto!  Clean up the pieces, throw them in the trash, take another deep breath and walk back inside.  Ta-da!  Today's challenge done!

Tomorrow we are going to create a windowsill altar, just like they did in rural Pennsylvania when Braucherei was in its heyday -- so, if you want to get a head start --choose a window with good light and wash the glass.  Throw the curtains in the laundry, too, while you're at it.

Summary -- 26 Possible Stars

Give or throw one thing away -- One Gold Star Break an old, worthless object outside -- 25 Gold Stars Take the rest of the day off!

Big Hugs!

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace within!




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