Day Eight — of 2018 Great Release Program – 8 December – Saturday By Silver RavenWolf
1st Quarter Moon in Capricorn (its all about structure) – Ruled by Saturn, Mars Exalted Saturday – Saturn Planetary Ruler
It isn’t often that the planetary ruler (Lord of the Day) matches the sign the moon is visiting. Today, we have the extra bonus of this double power!
Many people interpret Saturn as a malefic energy; but, I don’t view it that way. To me, it represents solid, strong structure. It is of the earth. The protection of the mountains. The secrets hidden in the caves of Gaia’s belly. The treasure that must be brushed off or worked to reach a glittering state. Saturn knows how to manage yourself, learning how to set goals, personal driving ambition, practical sensible actions. Strength. Completion. To make something stay put for a while, I may draw the Saturn sigil over it. Saturn is a tether on a balloon.
How can you use this energy today in your physical work or magickal practice? An example in candle magick might be burning a brown candle (earth) surrounded by brown sugar (sweeten the strength), or using a black candle encircled by banishing herbs to absorb negativity in the home.
Saturday is typically seen as a banishing day – a period to clear out from the week before the new energy of Sunday unfolds. The end of the week, to some practitioners, is a bit like the 4th quarter moon – a time to finish, complete, clean up, rest, protect, or banish. Favored colors include brown, black, or purple depending upon your intent.
The planet Mars is exalted in Capricorn, which means that Capricorn energy and Mars action motivational vibrations can work in harmony. Think of harnessing two horses of great power to get to where you want to go. Mars correspondence is usually red.
If you find astrological magick interesting or want to beef up your enchanted toolkit, you may enjoy Ivo Dominguez’ book entitled Practical Astrology for Witches and Pagans: Using the Planets and Stars for Effective Spellwork, Rituals and Magickal Work.
Your Challenge Today – You Choose.
In numerology, 8 is a master number – a symbol of personal completion. Today, you choose your own challenge or you can use the day to catch up on what you may have missed this past week. It can also be a day of rest – maybe you feel you need a day to just chill – excellent! – today is a good day for that.
Just remember…to complete today’s main challenge you must throw or give away one physical item.
Tomorrow we will talk about Merry Moose, and this animal’s function as the Great Release Program’s mascot. Enjoy your day!
Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
Practice the Rattle Bath/Crystal Cleansing – earn one gold star.
Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar
Did you remember to invoke your special symbol first thing when you woke up? If you forgot, try again tomorrow, no worries.
Choose your goal. 2 stars
Bless and empower a Saturn candle. Carve the sigil of Saturn on the candle with a stylus nail, or pen point. Surround the candle, if you like, with brown sugar to sweeten the structure OR use a black candle on a mirror surrounded by rosemary and salt (or other banishing herbs) to absorb negativity in the home. Consider this mixture an astral vacuum cleaner.
Tonight, remember to practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review – keep an eye on those messy areas. Have you discovered the root?
Do a mental review of your day before you fall asleep – make it quick – don’t let the mind stick.
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within…
until tomorrow