Louisa Lolly and I have been busy today! We spackled walls, painted ceilings, helped string electrical wiring, made brownies, filled Calico the Squirrel's lunch box, did two loads of laundry, and made supper.

Louisa particularly liked feeding the squirrel. Dried corn and sunflower seeds certainly are tempting for a magickal chicken!
Today's Main Challenge -- Clear out and rearrange one cupboard anywhere in the house or garage. It is a 4th quarter moon, a phase that lends well to clearing and rearranging.
One summer afternoon, when I was about eleven, my sixty-three-year-old next-door neighbor carted a worn easy chair across the lawn. Huffing and puffing, she ordered my mother to open the backdoor. The two women had a time of it wrestling the furniture into the house, finally tipping it on one leg to shove it through the doorway. My neighbor then proceeded to push the pink-flowered monstrosity into the corner of my mother's immaculate dining room. She stood up, brushing off her apron, red-face filled with a grin from ear to ear. This was my reading chair, she told me. Use it! She turned on her orthopedic heel and left.
Every day from 3 to 4, my mother insisted that I sit in that chair and read a book without interruption. (You see, this was a conspiracy. I just knew it).
At first, I hated it, but, day after day, relaxing in that quiet, peaceful space, my attitude began to change. The dining room was always flooded with soft, natural light. A platoon of deep purple African Violets marched across the shelf beneath the bay window. My cat, a Persian calico rescued from a West Virginia barn, would lay sprawled in the watery sunlight, never once knocking over a single potted plant. (Although there was a time or two when my mother experienced grave heart-failure because she found the cat lounging on the dining room table). I was sworn to secrecy that I would never tell any of her dinner party guests of the cat's predilection to use the dining table as a kitty bed. Every last one of them is now deceased, so I think it is okay to finally share.
During that summer, no one was permitted to bother me as I went on adventures with Nancy Drew, the Five Little Tuckers, and the ponies of Chincoteague Island. I began to cherish this time, eagerly looking forward to my story hour. Years later, I realized that for whatever reason (perhaps quiet solace herself), my mother was willing to sacrifice her nice dining room with a hand-crocheted lacy tablecloth, tall beeswax candles in silver holders, and lemon-oiled furniture so that I could sit peacefully, cuddled in that horrendously ugly chair, and become anything I wanted to be from a serious sleuth to a world-famous ballerina.
It was quiet time in all its glory.
During a quarantine, spending more time with your loved ones might not be particularly delightful, especially since the stress of possible sickness and frail finances may be knocking at the door. Today, I have two projects for you to ease that choppy energy and help dissipate the fear.
Mini-Project Challenge: Quiet Time. Room, corner, whatever -- set up a special, relaxing quiet-time place for you to "just chill." If there are others in the household, encourage them to make a particular place, too. This doesn't have to be a permanent change (although you might like the idea so much that you incorporate the new space long after the quarantine is over). This is a place that is off-limits to everyone except the designated individual it belongs to during quiet time. While under quarantine, spend at least 15-minutes in your secluded area resting, meditating, or listening to music with earphones. Whether you are 60, 35, or 5...everyone needs a chill place.
My granddaughter loves to make her own chill-place using a privacy screen that I have sitting in the corner of my living room. She drags the screen out on occasion and surrounds one of my big leather rockers, which she then mounds with comfy quilts and fluffy pillows.
If no corner is available, consider setting up specific times of the day when one room can be designated the "quiet room." Be sure to cleanse this room both physically and energy-wise. If you have children, make the room or space unusual or unique so that they will want to spend time there. Have various rewards for those who utilize "quiet-time."
Louisa Lolly's Braucherei Formula For Harmony -- Blue Bird of Happiness
When my grandparents were little, they didn't speak any English -- only Pennsylvania Dutch. As a result, I grew up speaking somewhat "dutchified" -- an odd accent entangled in English words. One of the things I remember most about their home when growing up was the distlefinks and bluebirds that my Grandmother painted on her kitchen furniture to ensure good luck for the family. She believed that these images had the power to affect the energy of the household in a positive way.

The above picture is a Bluebird of Happiness Petition that I created, complete with the harmonizing rosette in purple and blue, and the pair of Bluebirds. Print out the picture and write your Harmonizing Wish in the space provided. Place an empowered blue candle in a safe candle holder directly on top of the center rosette design. Take a spirit walk to find items to place around the base of the candle to enhance your working, or you can use an herbal blend of Sunflower Seeds, Dried Corn, Walnuts, and Dandelion root or flowers. All of these items are associated with wishes. Allow the candle to burn completely, then place the petition in a conjure bag or hankie along with the herbs underneath the mattress of your bed. If you have pets, ensure that the bag cannot be eaten by them as walnuts, in particular, are toxic to dogs. I hang mine on my bedpost.
Magickal/Energy Ideas for Harmony in the Home
If you are having family disagreements right now, first cleanse the home completely, particularly where fights, disagreements, or arguments tend to break out. Put a packet of salt in the area, out of sight and reach of pets. Change the salt daily. Check the room for hot and cold spots. Move furniture until you "feel" the same temperature throughout the room. Place a cup of vinegar at the base of stairways to discourage evil spirits, and brown sugar in the center of the family eating area. Check all areas of the home for harmonizing pictures. These should be group shots -- not individual photos. Choose to decorate in pairs -- of anything -- including bird pairs, which encourage family harmony. Finally, a fountain, even a small one in the eastern corner of the home is said to heighten bonding, love, and the chi of family harmony. I have a fountain in my house that I turn on every morning, right before my rattle bath.
Summary - Total Possible Stars - 81
Give or Throw One Thing Away Today! 1 Star Do two 3-Minute Dashes! - 20 Stars Main Challenge - Clean out a cupboard - 20 Stars Utilize the Bluebird of Happiness Petition -- 20 Stars Did you remember your rattle bath? 20 Stars
Big hugs
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within!
