Day Seven of the Great Release Program by Silver RavenWolf 2020
2nd Qtr Gemini Moon Gemini is all about resourcefulness, imagination, and finding creative solutions. Quick, versatile! A good day to find lost items.
Today's Challenge: Free Day! Take a break or choose something you would like to do to enhance your experience with the program. Tomorrow we will begin working with our house spirit.
Summary -- Possible Stars Today: 25 (or more depending upon how many times you do #8)
1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
2. Practice the Rattle Bath – earn one gold star.
3. Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.
4. Read your Main Goal 9 times aloud - earn one gold star -- you will only have to do this for the first 10 days (almost done!)
5. Do one thing toward this week’s goal -- small steps are just fine. This is Day 7-- if you reached your weekly goal, reward yourself with ten stars! Set a new goal.
6. Throw or give one thing away. -- earn 1 gold star.
7. Today' Challenge -- Entirely up to you.
8. Practice the Heart/Mind Loop. Every time you practice, you earn a gold star. You've got an unlimited number of gold stars you can earn! We will continue to practice the Heart/Mind Loop for several more days.
9. Do one Three-Minute Dash -- earn one gold star.
10. Practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review
Bonus: Challenge a family member. See who can get the most done in a Five Minute Dash! Earn 10 stars no matter who wins.
With joy...
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within.
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