I was finally able to turn most of the garden beds and prepare them for planting. White Sage, cucumbers, butternut squash, and more! In my spare time, I've been making a quilt square a day -- eventually, I will finish my moo-cow and cherries quilt!
We sit at 63 quarantine days and counting! Today's challenge consists of a few short questions about the last two months (or so). We lived through it -- let's boost our empowerment by reviewing our experiences. If you skip a question because it makes you feel uncomfortable, that's okay. Take the time to determine why it stirs particular emotions. Ready? Here goes!
The best experience I had in the last 60 days was...
I learned something super cool in the last 60 days. I learned...
Looking back on my experiences of the last 60 days, I am most grateful for...
I so totally did not like...
The most important lesson I learned was...
What do I wish I would have known at the start of the pandemic?
What is the most spiritual lesson/enlightenment experience I had?
Now that I have gone through this unusual experience, what in one paragraph would I write so that someone who reads it 50 years from now can benefit?
Big Hugs! Peace with the Gods! Peace with Nature! Peace within!
