We are working with the fourth quarter or the Dark of the Moon -- perfect timing for removing negativity! Today, our challenge is to remove a jinxed or crossed condition that we may be experiencing in our lives.
A Jinx, or Crossed Condition often occurs because of our own, non-thinking (or thinking in the wrong direction) actions. Â A result of patterned behavior (ours -- normally) it is noticeable when a series of projects or events seem to constantly hit the shitter. Â If you live in a busy household, or with a constantly negative person, they can create a flow of crossed conditions that you keep tripping over. Â These lines of energy eventually tangle just about everyone and everything within the home. Â For today's working, you will need the following:
A potato A pair of scissors A sharp knife (to cut a slit in the potato) The sigil shown here (or one that you prefer) This, written on the back of the sigil: Â "Any condition that crosses or jinxed me" -- or you can be more specific Black thread, cord, or yarn (or whatever you have) -- enough to wrap the potato at least seven to 21 times (up to you) A big pot of water mixed with 1/2 cup of vinegar (doesn't matter what kind) A stove
You can also use a standard Jinx Remove formula. Â This is mine: Wintergreen Citronella Essential LemonGrass or Lemon Verbena OR dried Lemon Peel Clove
If you don't have any of these you can simply use what you do have that has banishing correspondences OR you don't have to use the herbals at all.
The Working:
Print out the sigil below. Â Use the scissors to cut it out.

Step One: Â Gather supplies -- cleanse and empower them. Â Write what you want to remove on the back of the sigil. Â Put four equal-armed crosses on the edges of the paper, then spit on what you wrote. Â Yes, I said spit. Â As you spit, think of getting rid of all the garbage and negative thinking inside of yourself. Â Even if you think someone else is causing the problem, you are internalizing it, so! Â Spit it out! Â Then, hold the open scissors out in front of you -- between yourself and the sigil (but not too close that you are going to hurt yourself when you close them). Â Quickly, snap the scissors open and shut three times in front of your face (the scissors should be a good foot away from your face when you do this). Â This is a symbolic action -- cutting the ties and energy threads that connect you to the negativity.
Step Two: Â Cut a slit in the potato (you can also use an eggplant)
Step Three: Â Fold the paper away from you and shove it deep in the slit of the vegetable.
Step Four: Â Boil the potato in the pot of water and vinegar. Â When the water reaches a rolling boil -- take several deep, cleansing breaths, run energy through your hands until you feel comfortable, then repeat this chant as many times as YOU feel it will take to lift the fog of crossed conditions.
Jinx be gone I lock the gate A new day dawns With peace in place. Guarded by night Guided by day The Spirits confirm You do as I say!
The steam and the water will become impregnated with your words (don't forget that, and for pity sakes, NEVER argue with a spouse or loved one when you are cooking and steam is rising from the stove -- it ramps up the negativity).
Step Five: Â When potato becomes somewhat soft, remove it from the boiling water with tongs. Â Allow to cool.
Step Six: Â In the slit with the paper sigil -- add the Jinx Remove Formula. Â Repeat the above chant as many times as YOU feel necessary, moving your hands in a sweeping-away-from-you-motion over the potato. Â (Like you are sweeping a bug away from you in the air.) Â If you do not have any herbals -- pour salt on the potato.
Step Seven: Â Tie up potato with cord or thread. Â Seal the work with three equal-armed crosses in the air.
Step Eight: Bury or throw in a dumpster off your property.  DO NOT LET IT HANG AROUND IN THE HOUSE.  IT MUST GO OUT IMMEDIATELY. Return to where you live chanting: "Only the good remains."
If you work the Jinx/Crossed Condition Remove Spell -- earn 100 stars!
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within!
Big Hugs Silver!