Lucky Hex Designed by Silver RavenWolf for New Year's Magick
Day 31 of the Great Release Challenge Congratulations on an AWESOME New You!
by Silver RavenWolf
Your Mission Today: You’ve done all this marvelous work… Where will you go from here? What plans have you made for the coming months? What things will you do to show off the new you? Today, make yourself a colorful, arty list complete with pics, poems, affirmations, etc. that focus on the goals you would like to obtain this year. Put this list on your altar, or sacred space, under a bowl of white sugar to entice the Happy Spirits of the New Year. I even designed a Lucky Hex Double Distelfink drawing for you to use on your altar (see pic above).*
Tonight is New Year’s Eve! Our BFC Healing Circle will be doing our own New Year’s Eve Ritual at 9:00 PM EST. If you would like to light a white or silver candle to join in, and simply relax and meditate at that time — we’d love for you to meld your energy with ours. We will be working for healing, success, and good fortune throughout the coming year. Then, exactly at Midnight, we’ll be participating in the Rolling Peace Magick — chanting the word “Peace” and connecting with Spirit in an effort to bring enlightenment to ourselves and the world around us as the New Year rings in!
It has been a pleasure working with you these past thirty days. I’ve loved every moment, every post, every comment. Thank you all for making this year’s release challenge a marvelous success!
In service
*Lucky Hex Double Distelfink is copyrighted and may not be reproduced for sale or by any medium without author/artist permission.