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Day 28 – Great Release Program – December 28 – Friday – Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Change is a process. Patience is the key. Mindset is the road.

Day Twenty-Eight- 2018 Great Release Program – 28 December – Friday By Silver RavenWolf

3rd Quarter Moon moves from Virgo to Libra

Venus Planetary Day

Burn a Pink Candle rolled in your favorite herbal salt for Healing of Self (Burn this candle in a cauldron.)

Your Challenge Today: Take at least one step toward a specific goal that you have been avoiding.  There is probably one task that you’ve kept shoving to the side for the last three weeks.  Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, you say, is another day.  I will get to it tomorrow.  But, tomorrow dawns and you find yourself struggling with other issues, or working on something else that is more appealing or find yourself stuck with a task that you thought would only take fifteen minutes or so and finished out with 3 hours down the drain.

Today is the day to find the courage within the self to take at least one step toward that difficult end-goal.

This program occurred during the transit of Mars in Pisces conjunct the asteroid/comet Chiron, a heavenly body linked to those areas in our lives that require continual work for our personal growth.  Sometimes called “The Wounded Healer”, Chiron is a forever doorway to inner change and elevation — it is not considered a once and done experience — just as this program never really finishes.  Each year we learn a little more, we do a little more, we release a little more.

Energies involving Chiron lend themselves to self-initiation or events wherein the self is forged anew.  “How many times do I have to tell myself…” is the opening gambit of Chiron in some cases.  “I know better…but, I did it anyway,” is another.  Chiron has a retrograde period — and in this time, it is felt that the Healer can be Healed.

Where is Chiron now?  Chiron has an irregular orbit and spends more time in some signs than in others. Chiron can transit a sign from anywhere between 1- year to 9 years.  Its orbit is extremely erratic and takes 50 years to come full circle.  Interestingly enough, Chiron spends the most time in Pisces and Aries (8 to 9 years) (1).  From Water to Fire — from darkness to light — from fantasy to pioneering reality.

In Pisces, Chiron is the Ocean of All.  In Aries, Chiron becomes the Fire of Potential within the self, where the blend of one’s will and emotion brings the greatest gift.  This December 2018 and January 2018 show the last tendrils of Chiron in Pisces energy wafting away.  The fog clears.  The mind focuses on the reality you wish to create, not the Neptunian sludge of fear and self-depreciation that stops you from completing your goals.  Your new role begins.  Chiron moves into Aries, and the growth and manifestation begin.

Today, you stand staring into the great fire.  What do you choose to forge for yourself?  You have the choice to fall back into old patterns; or, you can move forward into the promise of goals fulfilled.

You are the gatekeeper. You are the goal maker. You control your own destiny.

Have the MindSet that you will succeed, and it shall be so. Fill your mind with whining, fear, and doubt — with blaming everyone else for your problems — and you may fall short of your goal. The exciting aspect of all of this is…

You choose.

Chiron will retrograde July 8, 2019, to December 13, 2019 — giving you several opportunities during that time for healing, spiritual cleansing, and personal soul elevation.  You might want to look ahead and mark your magickal calendar to take time during that period for cleansing and healing rites, education, and personal light work.

To read more about how Chiron’s role in your self-healing may manifest over the coming months, you may enjoy this article I ran across on the web:  Chiron

Remember – No matter what – give or throw something away today.  Release!  Release!  Release!


  1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

  2. Practice the Rattle Bath/Crystal Cleansing – earn one gold star.

  3. Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar

  4. Did you remember to invoke your special symbol first thing when you woke up?

  5. Take a step toward organizing something that you have been avoiding.  Earn 10 stars!

  6. Think about the healing you have accomplished this month and burn a white candle in personal celebration. Earn 1 star.

  7. Practice one 3-Minute Dash.  Earn 1 star.

  8. Practice one Dust-Up! Earn 1 star.

  9. Tonight, remember to practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review. Earn 2 stars!

  10. Do a mental review of your day before you fall asleep – make it quick – don’t let the mind stick.

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