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Day 28 - Great Release Program 2024 - Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Day 28

Saturday– 28 December

Capricorn Sun – Element of Earth

4th Qtr Sagittarius Moon  - Element of Fire

Mars is Retrograde until Sunday, 23 February 2025

Greetings and Good Morning!

May Good Spirits Surround you this day!

Today's Challenge…  Unsightly Areas – Choose One or Several

We've been incredibly dedicated these past twenty-eight days and have accomplished feats beyond imagination. Today, let's take on something monumental -- Cleaning, clearing, and changing an eyesore in your living environment. This is one of those, "Yeah...I'll get to it... someday. But, it isn't really that bad..."  Except, it is, of course.

I have a couple of places this season that seem to have some mystical power. I open the drawer, stare at the contents, pause, close the drawer...and do nothing! Just, walk away. Then I shake my head and think, what the heck am I doing?

I identified three such areas -- none of them particularly big, but all of them gross. The first? -- the bathroom vanity drawers. I swear to you that I cleaned them only a month ago. Or...was it two...okay maybe three...wait, no...argh. Okay 6 months ago. Yikes! The second? My double ovens. Someone, please have mercy on this one. The third is a set of double shelves in the dining room (and we're not even going to discuss the third set. Sigh.

With a trusty vacuum in hand and a heroic spirit, I prepared for battle, ready to conquer the abyss of dust, grime, and disarray. The problem with the bathroom drawers were all the bits and pieces of products that could still be used and weren't out of date. One left from a pack of face masks. Half a box of band-aids that don’t fit in the medicine box. Partial pack of emery boards. Things that although they don't cost much, when you add them up, you have about fifty bucks floating around in there. In today's economy? Yeah! I needed a plan! Ouuuu, $3 in change! I bought a plastic cake container from the dollar store (okay, buck twenty-five) and threw all those bits that were in good condition in there. Put the lid on and voila! Two drawers into one, and everything is clean and relatively tidy! Whew!

The ovens. Spraying myself with holy water first. Taking a peek in there. Bottom oven not too dirty. Top oven? Haven for demons. Maybe I should use my singing bowls. Pretty bad. It took one pass for the lower oven and 3 for the upper one with the appropriate cleaning supplies for that make and model of the ovens. I should do the lower oven again, but I'm on a schedule today and I have one more eyesore to deal with.

Okay! Two down! And a shower. One to go! The shelves. I'm going to use the 3-pass system on this one. I do an initial sweep to review what is actually there and remove any trash. I realize that this eyesore isn't just physical clutter but also carries with it some emotional baggage, whether it be a failed DIY project or a souvenir from a coven outing that was so much fun! All mixed in with art supplies, art books, calendars, seminar outlines, ticket stubs, event nametags, and magickal bits and bobs - feathers, seeds, dried herbs, notes on 3x5 cards, errant incense, and a few gemstone baubles. Right now? I'm not using any of it, and I haven't touched this shelf in 6 months. And it looks...bad.

When I'm finished, the transformation is a small miracle; what once was a chaotic eyesore is now a delightful, organized space that reflects a minimalist approach. Okay, so that's a flowery way to say it's empty. Well. Almost. I'm not so sure how long it will last, but for now, I am extremely pleased! 

Decluttering can be stressful, especially if you do more than one task in a day. Be sure to take time for yourself. Relax. To make my chores easier today, I put on my headphones and listened to The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. I never tire of it! If you are interested, you'll find a link below.). 

Spirit Message for Today is from Spirits of Fire


1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

2. Practice the Rattle Bath - 5 Gold stars

3. Complete Today’s Challenge – For every eyesore you clear away, you earn… 25 Stars

4. Contemplate today’s Message from the Spirits of Fire .  How do you feel about this message? – 25 Gold Stars – Light a red candle and contemplate the power of Fire – 25 Gold Stars

5. Most important! Throw or give one thing away. – 2 Gold Stars6.  Bed-Tyme Run – 5 Gold StarsPossible Gold Stars Today:  Under your control – Remember if I ever add the stars wrong, you receive a bonus of 10 gold stars!

What is your reward today?

Big hugs and best wishes

Have a lovely day!

Peace with the Gods

Peace with Nature

Peace Within!


I have been a magickal crafter for many years and love sharing my how-to ideas with folks in my books, blogs, and websites.  And, for years, I never thought of affiliate programs.  Being almost 70?  I’m having a great time embracing my Bucket List! And one of my goals is to work with affiliate programs – I mean, why not?  I’ve sold a lot of books over the years, right?  So!  If you make a purchase after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I’ll earn some herbal tea money, which I promise to share with my friends while continuing to support your magickal journey.  You do not pay a higher price.  All tools, supplies, or books mentioned are those I favor in my own work.  Happy Crafting!



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