I created this design several years ago -- seems appropriate for the times.
Today's Challenge: Bitty Day! Earn 100 Stars!
Yes, that's right, today's challenge requires that you wander through your living area and concentrate on fixing those little things. All the projects in the past few weeks where you said, "Whoops! Forgot that! I'll get it later."
Guess what? Later is today!
My Bitty Day will include rearranging that hall closet...AGAIN. Washing out the bathroom trash cans is next on the list. I also want to finish a mask for a friend. I did get several done; but, I've got one or two left to complete. Clean out the silverware drawers. Even though I did this in December, they are filthy. How does this happen? What creature of grime continues to defecate in my drawers? I've also been meaning to make some spiritual cleansing handsoap -- to be used before ritual, or whenever you feel you've been surrounded by unnecessary negativity. This is only for the hands because it contains herbals like rosemary and lavender bits that you don't want shoving in your eyes! I use an African Black Soap glycerin base that I just love. Oh geeze...as I write, I keep thinking of more things that I have been "meaning to do".
So there ya go. Keep Calm and Magick On! is today's theme! So let's zap with purpose!
Summary -- Possible 101 Stars
Throw or Give one thing away. Earn 1 Star Today's Challenge -- Bitty Day! Earn 100 Stars
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within!
