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Day 26 - Great Release Program

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Day 26 - Great Release Program by Silver RavenWolf

1st Qtr Moon in Pisces Pisces Moon energy brings a feeling of "oneness" with the universe.  Spiritual healing, meditation, angel work, and wisdom can blossom into peace and healing.  Venus in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius - A compromise may be necessary on today's activities.

Today's Challenge -- Safety Day! Locks, storage areas, tools, caustic liquids, clean out the dryer lint (inside the machine and at the outside vent)*, remove appliances with frayed cords until they can be repaired or replaced, check fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, put light in dark corners (this is actually a feng shui technique to remove negativity), fix slippery steps (non-slip treads are cheaper than you think -- try Home Depot or Lowes that's where I got mine), or other safety-oriented task you meant to get to -- but, just haven't.  Earn 25 stars.

Walk-Thru -- Let's take another walk through our living/working area.  After today, we have five days left in our program.  Is there something, in particular, you really want to get done?  How about those sticky areas?  How are they doing?  A little better?  Worse?  Is there something you've been avoiding?  (I keep sidestepping shampooing the carpet).  Challenge family members to help by creating a race and offering a reward to the winner.  After the program, try proposing a challenge you create once a month with an extra special bonus to the victor.  

Something New -- This last week we are surfing through a first-quarter moon which corresponds to beginnings and new projects.  Your secondary challenge this week is to search for something special that represents your accomplishments.  Choose something that will remind you throughout the remainder of the year that you can achieve anything you put your mind to.  If you are the creative type, you might want to make something unique or finish a project that you just never got to. 

For example, six months ago I bought a stack of canvases because I wanted to sew individual quilt blocks and stretch them over the flat surface, then hang a set of these blocks in the living room where there are currently empty hooks just screaming for something to hide them.  I love quilt blocks because each one has an extraordinary story -- a magick that can be activated by the color, shapes, and pattern; but you can only have so many quilts.  I wanted to use the designs differently.  I picked up some ribbon and a new staple gun and shoved them in the bag with the canvases.  But, I set the bag aside and just never got any further with my idea.  

When I started cleaning my craft room last week, I found the canvases.  And wouldn't ya know, I had several extra blocks I made the day before that didn't fit into my chicken/rooster quilt.  The colors match my living room, so I took an hour and added enough fabric so I could easily cover each canvas.  To make the wall hangings more enchanting, I drew protective sigils on the surface of the canvas with an indelible marker.  I painted the whole canvas (including the sigil) with Violet Liquid Fluid Condenser (made from wild spring violets).  After the surface dried, I stretched the blocks over each canvas and secured with a staple gun.  I added a Himmelsbrief (Braucherei Letter of Protection) to the back of each canvas.  I finished with a protection ritual so that the quilt blocks would act as protective devices for the home.

Turn ordinary projects into magickal vehicles!  Canvases painted with Violet Liquid Fluid Condenser.  Himmelsbrief added to the back of each canvas.  Chickens and Roosters are representative of Good Fortune and Good Luck.  

Find or make something to represent your hard work in this program - Earn 25 stars.

Countdown Challenge - Day 6 -- Do Today's charm recitation and throw or give away six items.

This night - day 6 which will be Sunday - repeat your name three times, follow the Silver Protocol and intone the charm (Nine Weeping Sisters) beginning at the "seven weeping sisters" line nine times.  The last time you repeat the charm do as before, add your positive tail-ender and remove the sixth stone, throwing it away, off your property, in running water or as otherwise discussed.  Earn 25 stars.

...Six weeping sisters ran for their lives One was removed, and then there were five. Five weeping sisters left through the door One was removed, and then there were four. Four weeping sisters put out to sea One was removed, and then there were three. Three weeping sisters left as the crew One was removed, and then there were two. Two weeping sisters shied from the sun One was removed, and then there was one. One weeping sister, left all alone Jumped from the ship and sank like a stone. No weeping sisters stand by the lake. The evil is gone!  Peace in its place!

Summary — Possible Stars Today:  90! 


Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

Practice the Rattle Bath – earn one gold star.

Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.

Do one thing toward this week’s goal — small steps are just fine.  This is Day 5 of your 4th goal. 

Give or Throw six things away. — earn 6 gold stars.

Today’ Challenge — Safety Check Day! 25 gold stars.

Today's Count-Down -  Day Seven of the Nine Sisters Working -- earn 25 stars.

Take your time and do a walk-through.  Earn 10 stars.

Find or make something to represent your hard work in this program - Earn 25 stars.

Practice the Silver Protocol.  How is this working for you?  Earn one star.

Do six Three-Minute Dashes — earn 6 gold stars.

Practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review

Visit Silver’s On-line Shoppe:

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace within!


*(2,900 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year and cause an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss. Failure to clean the dryer (34 percent) is the leading cause of home clothes dryer fires - Fema),



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