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Day 24! Release! Release! Release!

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Day 24 of the Great Release Challenge!

Keep up the three minute challenge through the rest of the program and see how much fun and laughter you can share with your family!

Day 24 — 2011 Great Release Challenge! Saturday, 24 by Silver RavenWolf

Your Physical Mission Today — 

For many of you this weekend (and possibly the next) will be incredibly busy with family and friends,  parties, special meals and events.  There will be little time to concentrate on the physical components of the release program.

Today, if you are home, do your morning sequence, then move about your living area, checking on the progress of what you have already done.  If an area seems to continue to build with clutter, think about why this might be happening.  For example, if the clutter is always by the door or stacked against windows, what is the family trying to subconsciously protect itself against?  In general walkways?  Who in the household is feeling trapped and stifled?  In the kitchen?  Who among you is having trouble accepting abundance?  Might there be a Negative Nellie in the group unit?  What do you think you can do about that?

In your de-cluttering process, have you kept only what is useful or appealing to you?  Are there still areas in your environment that could use another go at your new give/throw campaign?  Might you be able to take care of this area in the coming seven days or in the first week of January?  Have you stayed away from emotionally loaded items during our program, or did you dive right in there?  Emotionally loaded here means:  Memories; Belongs To Someone Else; Is Someone Else’s Responsibility But You Always Get Stuck With It.  If you stayed away from such items, how are you planning to deal with them in the future?

Your Fun Challenge For Today:  In three minutes, no more — just three minutes, go de-clutter, dust, or fix one thing.  Use a stop watch or a kitchen timer.  If you are working with a partner — have a race!  With your kids?  Do a relay!  On your mark, get set, GO!

Ring the Bell!

Remember that list you made on the first day?  We have seven days left to tackle what’s on there if you haven’t gotten to it.  Do you feel you can schedule a time now, or are you enjoying the take-care-of-it-spontaneity that this program has offered?

For our last seven days, we are going to introduce one small routine into our program.  Each night, five minutes before we go to bed, we are going to walk around our living area and de-clutter.  Just for five minutes, no more.  This might include hanging up coats, loading the dish washer, washing out the sink, throwing out trash, closing drawers or doors, picking up dog toys or cat toys or kid toys…and when we do this in each room, when we’re finished, we’re going to draw an equal-armed cross in the air at the doorway and ask for the Protection and Guidance of Spirit this day, and in all days hereafter.

Gold Star Meditation For Today —

If you complete today’s challenge — you earn another gold star!  This is number Twenty- Four!  We are so on a roll!  This star stands for Organizing Abilities — and place it anywhere on your aura during today’s meditation.

My Release Diary

My time outdoors yesterday included a bit of clean-up in the garden (I still need to do more) and a good stab at the back porch.  There are things you save at the end of the season, and then in spring look at those items and think, “What the heck did I keep this for?” That stuff was the first to go.  I found a bag of herbs that never made it inside, statues that should have been put away, a plastic silverware box turned bug condo, broken stuff from when my husband and son cleaned out their vehicles, trash that somehow weaseled out of their bags, wintered newspaper circulars from some neighbor somewhere that never took in their mail.  Being outside felt refreshing and delightful.

I’ve pinpointed two spots in the house that this year, seem to be problem areas.  The refrigerator just isn’t staying clean.  More spills, more goop, too many leftovers that were truly left for good.  I’m also having a problem with one shelf in the living room.  Yesterday it was a cheesy bread box.  The day before it was a sock.  The day before that footpads that someone bought and didn’t put away.  I’ll have to think about why these two particular places are refusing to get in line with my cleansing program!

How are you doing?

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within So Be It!

For Tomorrow:  Holiday Trash


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