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Day 20 - Great Release Program!

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Use Violet and Amethyst in family protection magicks.

4th Qtr Moon 4th Qtr Sagittarius Moon Take advantage of that Dark Moon Energy!  Banish!  Banish!  Banish!

Today's Challenge!  Clean the cleaning tools!  Yup -- The mops, the dusters, the brooms, the vacuum, the dust buster, the dishwasher (bleck).  Earn 25 big stars!!!

Remember, to keep up with the program all ya gotta do is throw or give one thing away today!

Your Progress!  How are you doing?  Flagging a little?  No worries -- we only have 11 days to go!  And think about how much you have already accomplished!  Whoot!  Earn 10 extra stars today if you post what has been your favorite part of the program so far.

That closet?  She is fighting me, yes, she is!  Today, I wrestled the top shelf, managed to remove a few things; but -- sigh, there's a plate my daughter gave me that goes to a pitcher set in another part of the house, and I don't want to get rid of it because of that...and then there was another hummingbird feeder that I'll pack up with the others in preparation for spring.  I managed to hang several pots on the wall, and take a bag of potting soil out to the shed where it belongs.  I found an old bird suet feeder, cleaned it up and took it out to ...did I tell you I have a bird tree?  I do!  It is the Wishing Tree. and I have no clue what it is -- small, decorative thing.  Anyway, a few winters ago, I started feeding the birds.  I buy most of the seed; but, in deep winter I make my own suet -- healthier for them.  I've been fascinated with all the different feathered friends who visit -- Cardinal, Chickadee, Junko, Titmouse, Woodpecker, Doves, Blue Jay, Goldfinch, and Nuthatch.  We also have crows, hawks, and buzzards; but, they don't bother the feeders or the birds who visit the tree.  However, last year I had a terrible battle with three squirrels.  They emptied my bird feeders regularly and ruined a big, beautiful one my daughter bought me.  Although some family members said shoot them, I took another approach -- I bought them their own lunchbox feeder and put them on Andy's Poplar out by the drive.  They have behaved since then.

Oh?  The wishing tree?  Members of the Black Forest Clan and friends who visit at Granny Camp every year write their wishes on strips of old white bedsheets.  We hang the cloth streamers from the tree in ceremony.  By last year, we had so many people with requests that there wouldn't be any room for the feeding birds, so we changed it up a bit and built tripod trellises with string and wooden poles, then tied the intentions to the trellis.  To secure our wishes, we planted small pumpkins at the base of the handcrafted lattice.  As the vines climbed the wood and string, they sealed the wishes.  Vining plants will hug your spellwork and carry the energy toward manifestation on this plane.  Okay, so that's what I believe.  Um...cos I've seen it happen.  A lot.

50 Stars if you turn a tree in your yard into a Wish Tree.  All you need are some bird feeders to draw in the birds -- our family believes they take our prayers to Spirit.  If you already have a tree -- add another bird feeder.

Summary — Possible Stars Today: 90!

Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

Practice the Rattle Bath – earn one gold star.

Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.

Do one thing toward this week’s goal — small steps are just fine.  This is Day 6 of your 3rd goal.

Throw or give one thing away. — earn 1 gold star.

Today’ Challenge — Clean your Cleaning Equipment-- Earn 25 stars

Post Your Favorite Part of the Program So Far -- Earn 10 stars

Decorate a Wish Tree with bird feeders and wishes! -- Earn 50 Stars!

Practice the Silver Protocol.  How is this working for you?  Earn one star.

Do one Three-Minute Dash — earn one gold star.

Practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review

Don't miss our Mrs. Pickles' Lucky Clover Candle Set! Perfect for spring ritual!

Visit Silver’s On-line Shoppe:



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