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Day 2 - 2024 Great Release Program - Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Day 2

Monday – 2 December

Sagittarius Sun – Element of Fire

Sagittarius 1st Qtr Moon – Element of Fire

Mercury is Retrograde

Astro Goodie:  Every now and then we have a good one!  When the heavens give us extra sparkly!  Today, Venus in Capricorn is trine Uranus in Taurus – this is a marvelous good fortune energy vibe.  Do take advantage of it with your thoughts today, your specific intentions, your meditations, and your magick!

Greetings and Good Morning!

Today I promised you the instructions for the Rattle Bath.  I do this process every morning that I can, followed by the sweet music of a soft bell.  I light a stick of incense and finish with a feather, wafting the smoke over myself and the altar.  If you don’t want to intone the chakra sounds – no worries.  Just hum or say “Om”.  Adding your sound to the rattle bath can heighten its power; however, I understand that if household members are sleeping, you may not be able to make too much noise (been there, done that!).

Instructions for the Rattle Bath (first published in 2018 for this program). While practicing Yoga, I learned a Nidra that I incorporated into a rattle practice. Basically, you pass the rattle over various points of the body to clear away negativity and heighten healing, spiritual vibrations. The technique can use the standard seven chakras, as well as minor energy points - or, once you have practiced for a bit, you can add or take away whatever you feel is needed.

I have created a card for you to put on your altar that may be helpful as you incorporate the rattle bath into your daily routine. If you find intoning the sounds bothersome or irritating – you don’t need to do it. Just stick with the rattle, and you will be fine. Let’s do a walk-through with sound and rattle points.

Use this chart as a guideline. You can also recite the written charm before or after the rattle bath.

Begin by standing or sitting still, and taking five (5) deep, even breaths. Just relax in the moment. Let go of any fear or worries. Connect with the wave of love, joy, peace or all three!

Begin by slowly shaking the rattle over your Crown Chakra and intoning the sound “Om” in your Throat. If you can, visualize purple light (if this is too much, no worries). Incorporate one deep inhale, rest for a one-count, and exhale at each chakra point. Next, shake the rattle at your Third Eye (in between your eyebrows), visualize indigo light, and repeat the sound “Om. “ Remember one deep inhale, rest, and exhale. Shake the rattle at your Throat, imagine blue/turquoise and intone with the “Ham” sound. Inhale, rest, exhale.

Move the rattle to the Heart Chakra. Visualize green light and repeat the sound “Yam” while shaking the rattle. Don’t forget the deep inhale, rest, and exhale before moving to the next segment.

We are now going to “light” up several energy points. As you shake the rattle over each point, visualize white light literally popping and sparkling over the area. Right shoulder, right elbow, right wrist, right palm, right fingers (one, two, three, four, five – one at a time). Continue back to palm, right wrist, right elbow, right shoulder, and heart chakra. Repeat the sound “Yam.” Inhale, rest, and exhale deeply.

Let’s move to the left. Shake the rattle over each point, again visualizing the light popping over each point mentioned. Left shoulder, left elbow, left wrist, left palm, left fingers (one, two, three, four, five – one at a time). Continue back to palm, left wrist, left elbow, left shoulder, and heart chakra. Repeat the sound “Yam.” Inhale, rest, and exhale deeply

Move the rattle to the Solar Plexus Chakra, intoning the sound “Ram” and visualizing yellow light. Remember the deep inhale, rest, exhale breath. Next, shake the rattle over the Sacral chakra, intoning the sound, “Vam.” Visualize an orange glow. Inhale, rest, and exhale deeply. Move the rattle to the Root Chakra, chanting the sound “Lam” and visualizing a red light.

Again, we are going to “light” up several energy points. As you shake the rattle over each point, visualize while light popping and sparkling over the area. Move the rattle to the right hip, the right knee, the right ankle, the center of the right foot, the right toes (one, two, three, four, five – one at a time). Continue back to the middle of the foot, right ankle, right knee, right hip, and over the Root Chakra, intoning the sound “Lam,” inhaling, rest, and exhale deeply.

Move the rattle to the left hip, left knee, left ankle, left center foot, left toes (one, two, three, four, five – one at a time), back to the left-center foot, left ankle, left knee, left, hip, and pelvis (root chakra). Intone the sound “Lam”, inhaling, rest and exhale deeply.

Now it is time to “closeup” the cleansing work you have done. Work upwards with the rattle, centering on each chakra, remembering to breathe deeply at each energy point – Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. Hit the rattle on the ground or table 3 times to finish. This is the sealing “sound.”

In all honesty, this practice takes a lot longer to read than it does to do! The rattle bath is perfect for any time or for any purpose, even when you are feeling just a bit sluggish. I’ve incorporated this practice into the release program as a daily segment that can follow your Morning Ritual (see the introduction post).

We've had remarkable results using the rattle bath here at the RavenWolf hearthstone.  Students and seminar attendees love the practice and have written to me later to tell me how wonderfully it has worked for them.  To heighten the experience you can add a spiritual aligning intro and/or a closure in the form of a chant or verbal charm.

We will be using the rattle bath every day as part of our opening sequence, or whenever you feel you need it.

My Favorite!

The 3-Minute Dash is one of my absolute favorite segments of this program! I developed the idea many years ago when I was sitting in my husband's manroomplace -- and the dust...the piles of stuff...the collected bags of trash -- the scum crawling across his television... He always put his trash in a bag -- he just forgot to take it out. As I sat there thinking I could never, ever clean this place up, I thought..."hmm...what can I do in three minutes?"

And the Dash was born!

The 3-Minute Dash is fun. Everyone in the household can get into it -- after all, it is just 3 lousy minutes, right? And you can turn it into a race and offer rewards for who gathers the most junk or competes (well) the most tasks. Like chocolate. A special movie. ALONE time. Whatever!

So! Today! Set your timer and see how much clutter you can pick up in 3 minutes!!!

Today's Spirit Missive - Random Selection


1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

2. Break up this week's mini-goal into manageable tasks. Do one thing toward that goal -- earn 2 gold stars.

3. Practice the Rattle Bath - 10 Gold stars

4. Do one 3-Minute Dash -- 5 Gold Stars

5.  Contemplate today’s Message from the Spirits of Courage.  What do you hear? – 5 Gold Stars

6. Most important! Throw one thing away.  Give one thing away. – 2 Gold Stars

Possible Gold Stars Today:  25…oh! And If I ever count the stars wrong?  You automatically get another 10!

As an Addendum -- I am proud to announce that my husband cleaned up his mancaveroomplace during Covid -- including washing the walls. Even the darkest cloud can have a bit of sparkly.

This Week my WhisperMagick Store is running a 15% off sale on all items.  Use promo code CyberMonday at checkout to take advantage of this marvelous deal.  Our Clean Sweep, Road Opener, and Mercury Retro candles and oils are great for this program.  Visit

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