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Day 18 - Great Release Program 2024 - Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Day 18

Wednesday– 18 December

Sagittarius Sun – Element of Fire

Leo 3rd Qtr Moon (Fire)

Mars is Retrograde until Sunday, 23 February 2025

Greetings and Good Morning!

May Good Spirits Surround you this day!

Celestial Brew – A Quick Peek at the Heavens

Moon in Leo – Power, Courage, and Grace

When the third quarter moon is in the fire sign of Leo, it amps up creativity, confidence, self-expression, and leadership abilities. During the third quarter, your focus might shift towards reflecting on personal ambitions, goals, and how to express oneself more authentically.

Even if we don't actively seek Leo connections, the universe often makes the links, paths, and bridges needed for us through interesting situations that urge us to review Leonine associations. At the moment, we may be asking ourselves why something in our lives isn’t resonating with our growing and changing identity. You may be rolling questions around at the periphery of your mind -- what can I change, or how can I adjust this so it works better for me? With Leo's roar, we may be saying, "I'm done! This isn't working! I will find a new and better way!" 

The Leo 3rd Qtr moon is a time to remove what is stifling your self-expression or hindering your personal growth. Leo's energy also emphasizes relationships and connections. You may use this time to reassess your connections, focusing on those that uplift you. Are your relationships giving you the support you need for your ambitions?

Overall, the third quarter moon in Leo encourages a balance between reflective introspection and joyful self-expression, motivating you to take action that aligns with your true self as you move forward with regal qualities of self-confidence, courage, and pride.

 Today's Challenge…  Honoring your Household Spirits

"A house is much more than a building. It is a microcosm, a living being with both a body and a soul. It a language we may not understand...its wailings are evidence of an attack by hostile forces. If uncared for, it can also grow old and die and, once abandoned, it crumbles away, leaving its skeleton visible to all." --Claude Lecouteux, The Tradition of Household Spirits Ancestral Lore and Practices, page 4.


House spirits, often known as "household deities" or "guardian spirits," are believed to watch over and protect the home and its inhabitants. Different cultures have their interpretations of these spirits, such as the "Lares" in Roman tradition.  Some belief systems combine ancestor worship and household spirits, such as the domovoy in Slavic folklore that appear as gnomes. In Japanese folklore, house spirits are called zashiki-warashi, and are thought to show themselves as small children. 


Spirits of the House are typically associated with cultivating and attracting energies that bring good fortune, harmony, and protection to the household. If something needs repaired in the home, and you cannot afford it, or you have no solution on how it might be done, appealing to the household spirits can activate the right pathway that leads to the accomplishment of your desire. These spirits are interested in anything that affects the well-being of their space in the universe. Sometimes, when homes are demolished, house spirits migrate into an object to escape destruction. This is why you should always take care when purchasing antiques, visiting flea markets/swap meets, or participating in estate sales. Not all house spirits are like yours -- loved and well-nourished!


Today's challenge is to honor your house spirits. Here is a simple ritual that you may find helpful.


House Spirit Honor Ritual


Create Sacred Space -- Choose a quiet corner of your home where you may decide to set up a small altar. This could be a shelf, a table, or even just a designated area on the floor. Some practitioners choose a statue to represent the spirits of the house rather than a permanent flat surface that can collect clutter. In this way, the statue can be moved to where you feel an acknowledgment is most necessary.


Gather Offerings -- Collect items that represent gratitude and respect. Common offerings include fresh flowers, food (like bread or fruits), and small tokens that symbolize good luck, such as coins or crystals. You can place these on a white or clear plate, on a candle board, or on a tray. This way, you can maintain cleanliness in the area by cyclic clearing and cleaning or switching out the items. Remove any food offerings after 24 hours. As with an ancestor altar, the messages involving food are clear: If the food rots, it is unacceptable and any question asked is "no". If the food dries out, the offering has been accepted, and the answer is "yes." And, like the ancestral altar, a clear glass of water should be offered every day. If bubbles appear in the water, the spirits are happy. No bubbles? There is some difficulty or displeasure that you need to attend to.


Lighting a Candle -- Light a candle on the altar or by the statue to signify illumination and invite positive energies. Each time you light the candle, express your intentions to honor and acknowledge the spirits residing in your home.


Recite a Prayer or Mantra --Take a moment to speak a few words of gratitude. You could say something like, "I honor the spirits who protect this home. May you feel my appreciation, and may our lives be filled with harmony and joy."


Daily Acknowledgment --Incorporate this ritual (or another) into your daily routine, even if it's just taking a few moments to acknowledge the spirits, keep the altar tidy, and refresh the offerings regularly. This practice not only helps to establish a connection with house spirits but also fosters a sense of mindfulness and gratitude within the home.  These activities encourage teamwork between yourself and the spirits of your house or apartment.


If you find this subject interesting, you may enjoy the book The Tradition of Household Spirits – Ancestral Lore and Practices by Claude Lecouteux.  I use this book frequently when teaching new students.  You will find a link below for your convenience.


Spirit Message for Today is from the Household Spirits


1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

2. Practice the Rattle Bath - 5 Gold stars

3. Complete Today’s Challenge – Honor the Spirits of the Household – you earn 25 Gold Stars!

4. Contemplate today’s Message from the Spirits of the Household .  How do you feel about this message? – 5 Gold Stars

5. Most important! Throw or give one thing away. – 2 Gold Stars

6.  Bed-Tyme Run – 5 Gold Stars

Possible Gold Stars Today:  43

What is your reward today?

Big hugs and best wishes

Have a lovely day!

Peace with the Gods

Peace with Nature

Peace Within!


I have been a magickal crafter for many years and love sharing my how-to ideas with folks in my books, blogs, and websites.  And, for years, I never thought of affiliate programs.  Being almost 70?  I’m having a great time embracing my Bucket List! And one of my goals is to work with affiliate programs – I mean, why not?  I’ve sold a lot of books over the years, right?  So!  If you make a purchase after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I’ll earn some herbal tea money, which I promise to share with my friends while continuing to support your magickal journey.  You do not pay a higher price.  All tools, supplies, or books mentioned are those I favor in my own work.  Happy Crafting!

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