Day Seventeen- of 2018 Great Release Program – 17 December – Monday
by Silver RavenWolf
2nd Quarter Moon in Aries – go! Go! Go!
Monday – Moon – Planetary Ruler – Burn a blue candle surrounded with a mixture of pine needles, clove, and holly for family protection.
Today’s Header Photo comes from a program participant. Her cat insisted on sitting in the middle of her spirit animals/people project. I laughed and told her that the cat wanted her to make him one filled with catnip. “Oh, I have pounds of that stuff!”she said, and so she did! Here is the best photo ever…
Her kitty has his very own catnip filled gnome! He looks so happy! Today’s challenge? – Pet Day! You’ve been working really hard, so today is a fun day where you will pamper your pet(s) or celebrate nature. I’ve provided an organic puppy cookie recipe below if you’d like to try it for your pooch. This week, I will also be making birdseed ornaments for our Yule Circle participants. That recipe follows the cookie treats. Last nite, after my ritual to Herne, I took apples to the woods for the deer.
Just remember…to complete today’s main challenge you must throw or give away one physical item.
Tomorrow…is Second Pass Day
Organic Puppy Treat Recipes
Puppy Cookies — these treats are a batter pour using silicon molds
I started collecting and making my own dog treat recipes when one of my pets was diagnosed as diabetic. I couldn’t believe all the junk in commercial pet treats, even those that were supposed to be good ones or higher priced. I stumbled upon a basic mix and pour recipe – no rolling dough, which cuts the project time to about 15 minutes, and improved it by removing unnecessary ingredients and adding herbs that are safe and healthy for canines.
Bake time is 1 hour and 15 minutes at 350 degrees (depending upon your oven and the ingredients you use). Keep checking after one hour — you want them firm on top but not burned. You can add a variety of ingredients to satisfy your pet’s needs and tastes. Double-check all ingredients to ensure they are safe for your pet.
2 3/4 cups of organic broth — I use beef broth because my dog has a slight allergy to chicken — you can also use water or your own beef broth from your cooking
4 cups of Organic Garbanzo Bean flour — I don’t use any other flour (no wheat)
1 egg
1/4 cup of organic ground flax seed (helps to make the treats crunchier and are good for skin and coat). Don’t use whole seeds as you lose the value, they must be ground. Grind yourself for freshness as flax seeds can go rancid quickly.
Beat together in a mixing bowl. It will be “soupy”. That is the basic formula — now, you can get creative, adding what you think your dog will like best — here is what I often use:
1/4 cup of organic applesauce (no sugar added), or 1/4 cup of organic peanut butter (no sugar added), or 1/4 cup of organic pumpkin (organic raw not the pie mix)
You can also add:
1/2 cup of minced carrots 1/2 cup of shredded cheese (no color — white cheeses) 1 teaspoon of ground rosemary 1 teaspoon of oregano
Blend with mixer. If you add peanut butter, the batter will be a bit stiffer. No worries. Pour batter (or spoon) into silicon baking molds sprayed with coconut oil (which actually helps to aid their digestion and give them a shiny coat).
Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 350 degrees – check at one hour, again at 1 hour 15, and every 5 minutes thereafter. Ovens can be so twitchy; but, once you get it down you won’t have to keep checking the next time. Your treats should be hard on top; but, not burned. They will naturally be a bit spongy in the center.
Allow to cool. I then put my cookies into a food dehydrator so they get crunchy, OR, you can leave them in the cooling oven overnight, which also helps to add crunch. Refrigerate or, if you have used the dehydrator, put in a plastic container. Will last a week on the shelf. I keep one of those silicon packets that came in the commercial treats in the bottom of my container. Its getting pretty old though because I haven’t bought treats in so long, lol.
Dried Meat Treats – Good if your dog is diabetic or has other issues
Slice meat very thin. Bake in oven 250 to 300 degrees until completely dry (or use a food dehydrator).
Wild Bird Treat Recipe
To hang your treats, fill mold cavity halfway, drape ribbon/twine in a loop half in and half out of the cavity, cover with remaining mixture.
My Progress: Drum roll please…the closet IS DONE!!! WHOOT! And the kitchen medicine cabinet, and the kitchen spice cabinet, and the tub. Whew!
Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
Practice the Rattle Bath/Crystal Cleansing – earn one gold star.
Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar
Did you remember to invoke your special symbol first thing when you woke up? If you forgot, try again tomorrow, no worries. Have you found this part of the challenge difficult or easy? Have you used your special symbol at other times of the day? When?
One 3-minute Dash – earn 1 star.
Burn an empowered blue candle surrounded with protective herbs! – earn 1 star.
Celebrate Pet/Nature Day! — earn 5 stars.
Make one of the recipes provided – earn 5 stars.
Tonight, remember to practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review. Earn 2 stars!
Do a mental review of your day before you fall asleep – make it quick – don’t let the mind stick.
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace within!