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Day 17 - Great Release Program 2024 - Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Updated: Dec 18, 2024

Everyone's Bitty Day Will Be Different!
Everyone's Bitty Day Will Be Different!

Day 17

Tuesday– 17 December

Sagittarius Sun – Element of Fire

Cancer 3rd Qtr Moon (Water) moves into Leo (Fire)

Mars is Retrograde until Sunday, 23 February 2025

Greetings and Good Morning!

May Good Spirits Surround you this day!

Celestial Brew – A Quick Peek at the Heavens

Moon Void of Course – Useful Windows of Energy

The Moon Void of Course (VoC) is a fun astrological period that happens when the Moon isn't making any significant connections with other planets before it moves into a new sign. During this time, the Moon's energy feels a bit suspended, which means it's not the best moment for starting new projects or making major decisions.

But don't worry! This VoC phase is pleasant and is an excellent opportunity to tackle those everyday tasks. It's the perfect time to run errands, do a bit of cleaning, fix things that are broken, or even rearrange your furniture. Since the vibes aren't super intense, you can feel free to catch up on those more minor chores that often get pushed aside.

Think of it as a mini-break where you can focus on light-hearted activities without the pressure of taking on something huge. Embracing the Moon VoC can help you create a sense of balance and give you that satisfying feeling of accomplishment, all while keeping things easy-going!

Moon Void of Course, can be a mini-predictor. I have learned that if someone offers me anything during a VoC? It is doubtful it will come to fruition. And if it does? It will be wonky. I never say, "Yes, I will do that," during this time. I also never do anything significant during a VoC -- anything that I really, really want or need? I wait. However, the VoC is absolutely perfect if you want your actions to go unnoticed. And believe me, this comes in handier than you ever thought possible! 

The length of a Moon Void of Course (VoC) can vary quite a bit each time it occurs. This is because it depends on the Moon's movement through the zodiac and how long it takes to make aspects (talk to) with other planets before changing signs.

Sometimes, a VoC can last just a few minutes, offering a very brief pause in lunar energy. At other times, it can extend for several hours or even a day or more. The duration is influenced by how much time the Moon spends in a sign and the specific angle it holds with other celestial bodies before making a transition. Remember, every time the moon changes signs approximately every 2.5 days – and travels through all 12 signs of the zodiac in 28 days, giving you the chance to experience and use a variety of Moon Void periods and lengths.  Sometimes it is only a few minutes and other occasions it can be hours or even a day at a time. These variations can lead to different experiences during each VoC period. A shorter VoC might feel like a quick breather in the day, while a longer one could provide a more extended opportunity to reflect, relax, and catch up on those smaller tasks without the usual pressures. So! Each Void of Course orchestrates a unique vibe based on how long it lasts, where its at, and to whom its speaking -- making every occurrence a little different!  Today’s moon void last about 5 hours – and when it falls depends upon your time zone.  For East Coast we’re looking at 1:30 (approx.) to 6:30 pm and for Pacific Coast 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM.  How will you use today’s Moon Void?

I keep track of the Moon Voids by using Llewellyn's Yearly Planetary Guide.  I work with this fantastic help-mate every year, keep notes in it, journal essential events, and create my Celestial Brew posts every day - an absolute tried-n-true integral part of my life! It is the one book I take with me on every trip, every seminar, and every class.  And, if near the end of the year, I’m afraid of losing it on a trip?  I take pictures with my phone of the upcoming days so I won’t miss any valuable info.  To me, astrology is a tool – not a whoo-whoo past-time – a valuable plethora of information that can help to make my life better if I take the few moments necessary to read the celestial map of the day.  There is always a way!  You'll find the link below after today's post if you are interested. 


Today's Challenge…  Bitty Day!  Complete as many “Bits and Pieces” left over from the previous 16 days. 


Ah, the small, general tasks that we all know we need to do but somehow manage to ignore until they spiral into comical chaos blissfully! Let's take a lighthearted look at some of these delightful little chores that make perfect Bitty Day opportunities!


Dusting -- It starts with a light layer of dust, and before you know it, your furniture has turned into an archaeological site. You might even discover a previously lost artifact — like that remote control you thought was gone forever! Maybe dust bunnies have feelings, and that's why we leave them alone.


Sorting the Mail -- Ah, the magical universe of mail! It starts with a couple of bills and a pizza coupon and ends with a mountain of paper so tall that you think of installing a flag at the top. Who knew "urgent" mail could also double as an excellent source for model-building materials? If I'm bringing in the mail, I separate it before it even gets in the door. Junk mail goes in the shredder bin, newsprint is in the barrel to be saved for our bonfires, bills are in one stack, and essential documents/info are in another. Once the mail gets inside, important documents are read immediately and saved if necessary (hopefully not) or shredded. All shredded material goes into either the burn barrel for bonfires or in my paper bin in the craft room to make designer papers for spells (one of my favorite summer crafty activities).


Laundry -- A classic! You throw in a few socks, and before long, the entire wardrobe spills out of the hamper—mysteriously mixed with items that no longer fit the season (or you). I actually do laundry every day and bedding once a week. This helps to avoid the leaning tower of stinky. I also donate at least once a month. So my offerings don't look so paltry, I call family members and tell them my donate day. If they have anything for donation, they can drop it off at my house, and I'll take it in for all of us.  Oh!  And putting a tiny amount of dried basil in the wash water?  Is thought to help keep harmony and balance in the home.

Cleaning the Fridge -- You open the fridge to find a scientific experiment growing in the back. You didn't put it there; some errant elf must have done it. It has now become a new species of life. The fridge has turned into a suspense thriller—do you dare to unearth the forgotten plastic containers? I clean out the refrigerator every three days, much to the chagrin of my family members. I'm all for leftovers, but I can't tolerate smelly, decaying food. I'm cursed with one of those noses that does the super smell thing. Go figure. Onward!


The Pantry/Supply Closet --  You think you can tackle it, but one look at the chaos makes you question your own life choices and whether that old mop collection truly sparks joy. From well-meaning Yule and birthday gifts where your heartfelt thank-you was the last energy you breathed upon it to the broken vacuum from 3 generations ago, these skeletons gather dust and don't ever dance. Clear those suckers out.


Taking Out the Trash -- You know it must be done, but there's an internal debate: "Is it really that full?" Then, there is the hope that another family member will break down and do it. Not. The trash can responds with a squishy "yes" as you contemplate if you can throw a few more things on top without a major explosion of stale leftovers and mysterious, unidentifiable objects. To avoid this dilemma, I take the trash out morning and evening (and sometimes inbetween if I'm making a celebratory dinner). The recycling goes out once a day, whether the bin is full or not.


Unloading Shelves That Are Bowing -- If it's've got a problem. If it just looks too daunting? Remove a few items at a time. Some today. A few tomorrow. By the end of the week? The shelves will be empty!  Then you can decide whether or not to toss those shelves!


Switching Seasonal Items – Double-check for lost-holiday critters, they have a mind of their own!  Is that a Spring Equinox bunny under the end table?  The summer wreath hanging from the back door?  A Leprechaun hiding on the bookshelf?  Something always seems to get left behind, and then you just ignore it, ignore it, and ignore it until you don’t see it anymore – but, everyone else does!


In the spirit of embracing delightful little chores, why not take advantage of the moon void to tackle some of these small tasks? Whether it's dusting away the remnants of yesterday's chaos or catching the cobwebs in the pantry (do you know you can store old cobwebs in a bottle to use in Catch A Thief spells?), you can say farewell to the clutter, making room for new opportunities. Embracing these tasks during the moon void can be both rejuvenating and fulfilling, allowing you to reset your space and mind!



Spirit Message for Today is from the Spirits of the Sea



1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

2. Practice the Rattle Bath - 5 Gold stars

3. Complete Today’s Challenge – Bitty Day!  For every small task you complete – you earn 5 Gold Stars!

4. Contemplate today’s Message from the Spirits of the Sea.  How do you feel about this message? – 5 Gold Stars

5. Most important! Throw or give one thing away. – 2 Gold Stars

6.  Bed-Tyme Run – 5 Gold Stars

Possible Gold Stars Today:  Totally up to you!

What is your reward today?

Big hugs and best wishes

Have a lovely day!

Peace with the Gods

Peace with Nature

Peace Within!


I have been a magickal crafter for many years and love sharing my how-to ideas with folks in my books, blogs, and websites.  And, for years, I never thought of affiliate programs.  Being almost 70?  I’m having a great time embracing my Bucket List! And one of my goals is to work with affiliate programs – I mean, why not?  I’ve sold a lot of books over the years, right?  So!  If you make a purchase after clicking on one of the affiliate links, I’ll earn some herbal tea money, which I promise to share with my friends while continuing to support your magickal journey.  You do not pay a higher price.  All tools, supplies, or books mentioned are those I favor in my own work.  Happy Crafting!

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