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Day 16 - Great Release Program

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Chickens and Roosters are symbols of Good Luck, Prosperity, and Industry.  Putting an image of a chicken or rooster in an eastern facing window is thought to stop gossip.

Day Sixteen of the Great Release Program by Silver RavenWolf 2020

3rd Qtr Libra Moon Mercury enters Aquarius bringing beauty, creativity, and innovation to the way we communicate.

Today's Challenge: Learn Something New!  Every month I try to discover something new, add a new skill, or take some sort of adventure!  Today's Challenge is to do exactly that!  Do something new and different! I'm sure there has been something you are interested in, but, you've been putting it off with a variety of excuses.  Sweep the nay-saying aside and enjoy!

Silver Update:  I hope you have been able to clear out and release negativity and finish some ongoing projects!  These past fifteen days have been a whirlwind for me, clearing, dumping, cleaning, fixing, and organizing many of the rooms in the house.  My reward choices included going to the movies (1917 and Knives Out are both great films), learning a new quilting technique (the pictured rooster), making some yummy, aromatic soap, and upgrading my computer (the old one expired right before this program began).  I have many more changes I want to make before the program finishes!  How about you?  What is the most important change you want to make, now that you have gotten this far?

Summary — Possible Stars Today:  35 With Bonus

Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

Practice the Rattle Bath – earn one gold star.

Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.

Do one thing toward this week’s goal — small steps are just fine.  This is Day 2 of your 3rd goal.

Throw or give one thing away. — earn 1 gold star.

Today’ Challenge —  Learn something new!  10 gold stars!

Practice the Silver Protocol.  How is this working for you?  Earn one star.

Do one Three-Minute Dash — earn one gold star.

Practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review

Bonus:  Plan an adventure! (and be sure you make a date to do it!) (20 gold stars!)

With joy…

Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within.


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