Day Fourteen of the Great Release Program by Silver RavenWolf 2020
3rd Qtr Virgo Moon Virgo is full speed ahead this cycle, lending positive energy to organization, safety work, analysis, investigation, healing, errands, and overall solution-oriented. Good day for making poppets and spirit dolls.
Today's Challenge: Part I -- Taking advantage of the Virgo moon - Organize and clear as much home paperwork as possible. Part II -- Walkthrough your living area -- congratulate yourself on all you have accomplished so far. What are you most proud of? As you move around, does the area feel lighter to you? Next, crank up the music, put your dancing shoes on, and give your living area a rattle bath. When you are finished, plan what you would like to accomplish before the program ends. Part III -- This is the 7th day of your 2nd week -- another goal accomplished! Reward yourself! Choose a new goal for the third week of the program.
My Progress -- I managed to clear out two corners of the craft room, and not on purpose -- I was looking for something. What? Oh, my soap cutter, which didn't work right, so I used that pretty, glittering mega-knife in my kitchen utensil drawer. Problem solved. I bought a shrink wrap machine over a year ago that never worked. I had to move it when I was looking for my soap cutter, so I figured I would trundle it right on out to the trash. On my way through the house my son asked me why I was throwing out a brand new machine. When I explained he offered to take a look at it. I'm lucky he's electrically oriented. When he opened it he discovered that whoever put it together didn't attach the wires inside the machine. Fixed!
I'm still working on that offending hall closet. Three shelves done. Half the floor finished. One shelf to go -- the tippy top one. New shelf paper in one set of kitchen cabinet shelves. I have 3 cabinets to go. Which reminded me of the nasty shelf paper when I was a kid. I'd forgotten all about those products and how much I hated helping my Mother put the shelf paper in the cabinets because you had to cut out a small piece in the center and fold down the little design so that when you opened the cabinet you saw cherries, or stripes, or whatever that fit perfectly around the front frame -- shudder. Some memories are best left forgotten. My reward for the past few day's accomplishments included pouring the peppermint eucalyptus soap and learning to paper piece a rooster for a quilt I'm making. What have you accomplished?
Summary -- Possible Stars Today: 50
Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.
Practice the Rattle Bath – earn one gold star.
Mark what you accomplished on your Great Release Calendar.
Do one thing toward this week’s goal -- small steps are just fine. This is Day 7 of your 2nd goal. If this goal is finished -- choose a new goal.
Throw or give one thing away. -- earn 1 gold star.
Today' Challenge -- Part I - 10 stars; Part II - 10 Stars; Part III -- weekly goal finished? 25 stars!
Practice the Silver Protocol. How is this working for you? Earn one star.
Do one Three-Minute Dash -- earn one gold star.
Practice your Nightly Buzz-Through Review
With joy...
Peace with the Gods Peace with Nature Peace Within.
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