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Day 13 of the Great Release Challenge!

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

You've Got 60 Seconds to Make a Change! Are you Game?

Day Thirteen of the Great Release Program 30 Days to an Awesome New You!

by Silver RavenWolf

Your Mission Today!  Today is Sixty Second Clean Sweep Day.  What can you clean, remove, take care of in sixty seconds or less?  Have fun with this one.  Time yourself.  Do it more than once if you like!  Get the family involved.  Offer kids (or your partner, lol) rewards!

Changing things in small bits can lead to bigger, long lasting harmonious energies.  Today, we’re teaching ourselves that small is big, that little is important, and that tiny can really make a difference!

On your mark, get set….go!  You can do it!

We are closing in on the midpoint of our Great Release Challenge!!!  How are you feeling?  Is it working for you?  Are you getting great ideas?  Write them down so you don’t forget them.  On Day 15, smack in the middle of our efforts, we are going to build a small release altar out of something already in your environment.  What you choose is up to you.  For your altar you will need one glass for water, one bowl for a mixture of salt and herbs, one white candle, and one black envelope (you can make it out of construction paper).  To the salt we will add dried rosemary, dried lavender and dried chamomile if you have it.  If you don’t — no biggie — just the salt will do.  On Day 15 we are going to do a mini release ritual to help us let go of those little, nagging things that have been bothering you lately.

Today, while you are doing your dash around the house or work area, take note of what you might like to use for that mini release altar, and where you might like to place it.  Traditionally, you might choose West as this is the seat of emotions and closure; but, if some other place feels more comfortable to you, choose that instead.  Remember, in the end, your higher self knows best what is right for you.  Learn to rely on those feelings.

My Release Diary:  Oh argh in a hand basket!  The kitchen cupboards took me over four hours to do.  I thought, since I did them in the spring, that it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.  Wrong.  I found two cans with expiration dates of 2008.  How the heck they slipped by me last December and then again in the spring is beyond my faculty of understanding.  Out they went, along with two huge garbage bags of old pots and pans, a mismatched glassware set and more.  My husband and son stayed well out of my way and only asked me if I was okay when I knocked over the dogs’ water bowl, which dumped into the dogs’ food bowl, which skittered across the kitchen floor with a tremendous clatter.  In the end, however, with everything back to right again, I was glad I’d spent the time, although I’m still mystified how I managed to procure ten boxes of yellow cake mix (my spouse’s favorite).  I think a husband elf may have been trying to give me a hint, to which, it appears, I was oblivious.  Shopping at the grocery store later in the evening I knew exactly what I did and didn’t have in the cupboard.  We were done with that chore in less than an hour.  (My husband was nice enough to go with me since the roads were slick.)  Although putting away the groceries is not my favorite thing to do, it went a lot faster as I didn’t have to jam things this way and that just to make them fit.  I am now prepared for the upcoming holiday cooking.

In the meantime, I guess I’ll break down and make one of those cakes.

Please keep your comments and observations coming.  I read every one and am amazed at how well we are all progressing!  What is very cool, too, is that we span from Ireland, to Australia, to little Pennsylvania!  How remarkable!  It certainly is a very small world when we work together!




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