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Day 13 - Great Release Program 2024 - Silver RavenWolf

Writer's picture: Silver RavenWolfSilver RavenWolf

Day 13

Friday– 13 December

Sagittarius Sun – Element of Fire

Gemini 2nd Qtr Moon – Element of Air

Mercury is Retrograde until Sunday, 15 December 2024

Mars is Retrograde until Sunday, 23 February 2025

Greetings and Good Morning!

May Good Spirits Surround you this day!

Celestial Brew – A Quick Peek at the Heavens Today

Geminid Annual Meteor Shower – will peak overnight on December 13/14 (Friday/Saturday) – some view this event as a reminder of fellowship and love for humankind, but also that there is duality in all things.  I will be lighting a blue candle for peace, serenity, and compassion for humankind.

Moon in Gemini

A second-quarter Gemini Moon can be delightfully dynamic and stimulating. Ruled by Mercury, this quicksilver planet is a favorite in magicks for movement, money, flow, and intelligence. Both the sign and the heavenly body are known for duality, curiosity, and communicative energies. During this period, these good vibes encourage the exploration of ideas, learning, mental experimentation, and social interaction. It's an excellent time for networking, sharing knowledge, and engaging in discussions that promote learning and growth. Although Mercury is currently sluggish, the sign of Gemini is not, and the Moon performs as it should -- wanting to embrace the intellectual, the social, and the movement of energy!

This is a good time to reflect on one's goals and adjust them based on the insights gained through your experience of the past twelve days,  conversations with others about the changes you've been making, and new information you've been learning.

Additionally, this period invites playfulness and adaptability, urging people to embrace change and new perspectives. With Gemini's ability to move at lightning speed, consider practices to balance that powerful mental stimulation. Try using grounding practices to prevent feeling scattered or overwhelmed. Holding your hands under running water can help to calm, soothe, and cleanse. Walking outside and practicing deep breathing while connecting with the earth and sky can also be marvelously advantageous.  This is the only Gemini Moon we will experience during our Great Release Program.  Be sure to take advantage of it!

Today's Challenges…   

Over Stuff!  We did under…now we do OVER.  Tops of televisions, ceiling lights and fans, trim, molding, casings, fixtures, curtain rods, top shelves, top of the refrigerator, tops of washing machine and dryer, upper level cabinet doors, is there anything more?  Ouuu!  Shower curtain?  Or is that a bit too much?


How did the The 5-Minute Bed-Tyme Run work for you last night?  Helpful?  An added burden?  A come-to-my-senses moment because the vast amount of clutter and mess wasn’t yours? 


2nd Goal Follow-Up

At the beginning of the program, I suggested choosing four goals, one to be completed each week if possible.  How are you managing with those goals?  Do you need to re-think them or are you full steam ahead?  No worries either way – what you accomplish is a marvel!


Spirit Message for Today


1. Do the Morning Ritual – earn one gold star.

2. Practice the Rattle Bath - 5 Gold stars

3. Complete Today’s Challenges (or one of your own) – Over Challenge: 15 Gold Stars

4. Contemplate today’s Message from the Spirits of Serenity.  How do you feel about this message? – 5 Gold Stars

5. Most important! Throw or give one thing away. – 2 Gold Stars

6.  Bed-Tyme Run – 5 Gold Stars

Possible Gold Stars Today:  33

What is your reward today?

Big hugs and best wishes

Have a lovely day!

Peace with the Gods

Peace with Nature

Peace Within!




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